
The wife says she barricaded that same basement door shut once because she claimed she heard the clicking of a cigarette lighter down below.

Wimps. Real journos would have been out there on the streets writing stories on the back of cigarette packets, not squealing with outrage about getting extra emails.

This is the perfect flashback in a war movie, with guys in a foxhole asking the grenade-throwing hero "where the HELL did you learn to pitch so accurately?"

"If you examine the photo above not very closely at all, you'll notice that Bristol isn't like many European cities, without very many grand cathedrals and whatnot. That's because the Nazis absolutely destroyed them"

Don't you mess with me, running headlines like that....

"Finally, a Game About Having Sex With Your Friends"

Reading this I am ... oh. For the first time in my life, I feel absolutely nothing. A vacuum from which the slightest trace of giving-a-damn has been removed. Is this how death feels?

Yes, yes, but who stole the unicorn horn? And did it give them magical powers?

" Wise men came from the East to visit Jesus, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and purr"

Vicious Riot

But is irony not just the smell of blood?

A compound fracture: they possibly left the head on to muffle the bloodcurdling screams.

She's going to be rocking that moronface look no matter what color paint she slaps on it.

It's when we get a glimpse of something VERY different that we need worry.

psst - change the hed to "Batkid"

Is that the outline of a vest? That's oddly sweet and sensible for a Sin Devil.

Meanwhile, tiny Bieber is shrieking at his long suffering bodyguards to purchase him one, thus dooming Oculus Rift to failure.

The Colors Do Run

Not on this site, I'll wager ...

Will it make cats needy, demonstrative and affectionate, then suddenly all aggressive and moody without warning? Because I don't think I could handle that.