“qt3.14" took me a bit. Well played, have a star.
“qt3.14" took me a bit. Well played, have a star.
Parallel parking/bollard bumps, most likely.
Unless you’re a millennial. Then, just die. Please.
Wait...this guy got hold of 50 pre-owned 959s?!?! How the hell did he do that?
Complete non sequitur, but I actually saw the Acela utterly demolish a human being at high speed on Monday of this week. Completely horrifying.
Try reading these posts once the rage haze has cleared from your vision. Or, even better, go back to Jezebel where your meaningless rants are welcome.
“Labradingus” ! That’s the perfect descriptor! Have a star.
Man, I’d mono her chrome... chrome her mono? Dang. Whatever.
Maybe I’ve missed something, but how is a bit over $60K a “huge” fine for Team Ferrari? Isn’t that the same as, like, a valve stem cap from one of their cars?
I had no idea they were!
“Congrats on your COTD win, Stan, E. Vogel and HammerheadFistpunch, and thanks for the solid advice.”
Nice Rage reference. Have a star.
Oooooh I see. Yankees only, eh?
I have a few, but these always stand out in my mind. Keep in mind I was young and VERY stupid.
Clearly, some of us don’t internet.I apologize on behalf of them.
That’s pretty cool! I definitely picked the wrong career.
My thought process: “Holy crap, that looks amazing! It’s even a GT car! Oh wait, it’s electric. NVM.”
Wait... no louvers?
This needs to go to Jalopnik.