
Heh. Yep, pretty much.

He is in H-Town. Maybe...dare I say it... Hennessey Performance?

Sweet! “Quebece” is my next vacation destination. If only I could find it...

“perform this good.

Found the issue:

*wouldn’t (?)

If you look at the image of the door that Ms. Lee included in the post, you can see a row of red “dots.” not the stitching, but in between the curve of the red stitches, is a line of broguing with the red showing through...

*couldn’t (?)

Even a punch to the gut does less damage when you relax. But I agree with your sentiment!

I have four names and lived in TX, now in VA. TX wasn’t an issue but, here, I didn’t WANT to put all four names on my driver’s license, but “the Man” insisted that it needs to match my birth certificate. Now it looks like I have a first name, a middle name, and two last names. I hate VA DMV.

“Honolulu Havarti” Have a star sir/ma’am.

Nothing. In Baltimore. These things get stolen all the time, GPS or no. Junkies don’t care.

Dallas is hot. Really hot. I’ve got nothing against bikesharing. But getting to work drenched in sweat (subsequently air-drying in the dry heat on your walk from where you parked the bike to the front door) is gross.

That’s the okayest grey/blue-ish color I’ve ever seen!

I also, in an attempt not to be an asshole ask, why the hell did they shoot a sick cougar, when it might have been fine after eating these two morons acting like prey animals 30 miles away from their lattes and mustache wax?

Man, whenever I see you, I misread your name as “G-String Theory.” Unless that’s what you were going for instead of the guitar/physics thing...

Lost it at bootyspliceamerica.


Huh, never knew some of that. Thanks!

lol. awesome.