First number is usually waist size / “fatness” (noice). Second number is leg length.
First number is usually waist size / “fatness” (noice). Second number is leg length.
“It’s like seeing someone running without scissors. It’s not something that should be illegal, but it’s extraordinarily dangerous and extraordinarily silly.”
I love this. More of these classic reviews, please (maybe even some as FK). Love you more for this Kristen, thanks!
Yup. Love mine.
You CAN get 99-100% EtOH (I’ve used molecular biology grade 100% EtOH for lab applications). But as soon as it comes in contact with air, it will start to absorb atmospheric moisture and dilute. Also, the stuff is very expensive and you must have proper a license to purchase it.
Slender man: Hipster version.
I don’t let people put their feet on my dash (including Mrs. Linguist). Not because it’d hurt if we wrecked, but because they leave utterly repulsive toe prints on my windshield (or dirt/debris on the dash, whatever).
See above. A. Barth sums it up nicely.
Isn’t “massive government waste” in the Star Spangled Banner?
This is awful. BUT:
Yes. Yes they are.
Love this post for the pictures alone. Also the text. Definitely didn’t not read it.
HA HA! FINALLY, idiocy NOT in America! Woo Hoo!
I too was going to accuse Mr. Tracy of communistic tendencies. Then I read the article.
What?! My commute is 2+ hours each way. Anyone want to give me a new job/car/motorcycle/personal jet?