
Considering most of Sanders supporters have since abandoned him on many, many issues (including supporting Biden) I really doubt there’s a “cult of personality” as you suggest.

Sanders was literally the only alternative to Biden, so it very much was “Bernie or Bust.”

As a leftist desperate for Medicare for All, I personally hate President Biden.

Greenwald worked with the ACLU on freedom of speech with Nazis, so if you want to take issue with his championing civil rights then you should also take issue with the ACLU.

Greenwald is gay, though, so it’s probably neither of those for him.

Biden is personally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands, yet we still have to work with him.

I'd take the Republican so long as their policies were better, which wouldn't be hard to achieve.

Sanders supporters are far more willing to criticize him and push him left than the supporters of any other politician.

It’s not the same.

What is this supposed to prove?

If a journalist hasn’t “look[ed] much into it,” then they shouldn’t report it let alone commentate on it.

So, he becomes a Ring Wraith? They all exist within some weird sub-dimension of darkness that is the opposite of the Undying Lands?

Apparently each Age is briefer than the one prior, though I don’t know if that means only in terms of years or if time itself slows down/speeds up in some sort of cosmological relativity.

Sure, there’s only one “Source” within Tolkien’s cosmology, but that’s pretty much true of most cosmologies.

Ungoliant is certainly a villain, but I’m not so sure they represent Chaos in the same way that Morgoth does.

You’re exactly right. In Gnosticism, there’s the Monad (or Source, or Unmoved Mover, etc.) which “emanates” into divine abstractions that together act as angelic Aeons.

It’s perfectly reasonable to view Aeons and Archons as “gods” considering they had major roles in the creation of the universe, the physical world, and life itself.

There’s definitely some differences in the role these characters play in their stories, but I’d compare Morgoth to the Demiurge, which is the lowest of the Aeons. The Demiurge (god of the material world) went on to create the Archons, which we know as Angels.

It’s not entirely a fair comparison, but I’d equate Morgoth to the gnostic Demiurge.

Biblically-speaking, Satan and Lucifer aren’t the same entity despite so often being considered just two names for the same being. Even the Serpent in the Garden isn’t Lucifer. The Serpent might be Satan, but that’s not confirmed either.