
I like to think that both versions are true: the original ending is what really happened, while the theatrical ending is what Audrey and Seymour imagine happened after the death once they’ve reunited in a shared Heaven.


How can you “waste” hours of digital film?

Samuel returned to life in S6 and hunted with Sam and Dean for awhile, but he never interacted with John who was by then dead.

Padalecki should've been involved. Period.

Ackles’s contract was also over as well. Why not involve Padalecki in the project?

You’re mistaken.

If it is an issue of NDAs and contracts, then that’s even worse. Why wouldn’t Padalecki be involved?

Yeah, the Wayward Sisters spinoff had the most potential.

The Matrix Resurrections is coming out later this year.

Why do you think Reloaded is bad?

What do you mean they “whiffed” on the follow-through?

I’m not sure the writers/directors intended the Architect’s scene to be “impenetrably smart” at all.

The Architect scene is definitely the standout of the sequels.

I’ve never felt the Matrix films were the type of film you mean, that requires reading ancillary material.

Why don’t you feel the analysis is true? It read pretty accurately to me.

It’s never confirmed whether John knew about Mary’s family’s hunting history prior to his death, though near the very end of the show there’s a reunion of sorts where it might’ve come up.

It wasn’t just vampires. There were five families of monsters.

Most fans don’t want this particular focus for a spinoff.

Cult is my fourth favorite season. It's much better than Freakshow, Roanoke, and Apocalypse!