Because the workprint is open-matte and only the VHS release is also open-matte.
Because the workprint is open-matte and only the VHS release is also open-matte.
That wasn't originally intended at all. It was an addition made by the editor.
There’s an incredible amount of color in the film! You must've been watching the VHS or DVD!
Did your friend ever claim this bet?
Mandatory conscription is wrong in every nation, and most especially in both Israel and Korea.
Any Israeli citizen is free to take the principled stand against apartheid and go to jail.
You’re completely ignoring learning disorders such as dyslexia.
It does.
I like how you completely ignore my message in favor of a misspelled word. You’re part of the problem.
We shouldn’t be praising anyone for being in the Israeli Armed Forces, let alone the desensitizing nature of having served.
There’s a difference between thinking of something and bringing it up when you know it’s just a distraction.
I never said that Greenwald was directly employed by the ACLU. Perhaps I should have used the term “alongside” rather than “with.”
Considering most of Sanders supporters have since abandoned him on many, many issues (including supporting Biden) I really doubt there’s a “cult of personality” as you suggest.
Sanders was literally the only alternative to Biden, so it very much was “Bernie or Bust.”
As a leftist desperate for Medicare for All, I personally hate President Biden.
Greenwald worked with the ACLU on freedom of speech with Nazis, so if you want to take issue with his championing civil rights then you should also take issue with the ACLU.
Greenwald is gay, though, so it’s probably neither of those for him.
Biden is personally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands, yet we still have to work with him.
Sanders supporters are far more willing to criticize him and push him left than the supporters of any other politician.
It’s not the same.