
Morgoth is more like Satan or the Demiurge than Lucifer while Sauron best fits the role of Lucifer.

The story I truly want to see told is Morgoth’s return from the Abyss!

Frankly it was fairly problematic to portray Wakanda as one of the few remaining absolute monarchies with succession based on ritual murder. Apparently the council has no power?

The Matrix does in fact address how many innocents are killed by the heroes: it’s justified because so long as someone is still trapped within the Matrix they can become a host for an Agent and that’s not a risk they’re willing to take.

Yeah, Sam has a huge fight with Ruby about her possessing a random woman, so she agrees to leave and possesses a vegetative woman with no family the moment after the plug was pulled.

It’s a lot more thought than most of the plot points in that show!

What didn’t you like about the final season? I have my own complaints, but ultimately I’m glad that both Bill and Eric died because fuck them.

Bill’s “turn” to villainy? The man was always a sadistic lying monster far worse than any other character on the show simply because he’s a narcissistic hypocrite.

Did you really expect the entire series to feature only vampires?

The central mystery from the very beginning was always the exact nature of Sookie. That alone suggests at the very least two distinct supernatural races.

Having not read the books I can’t speak to them, though I will say that I felt the show handled its

Dean has a confused sexuality.

The Empty is nothing like Hell. It’s closer to the Jewish conception of Sheol or the Hellenistic Hades.

Don't you remember the episode with the Siren that took the form of a man to seduce Dean?

The Empty is nothing like Hell. It's probably the best place to be other than Heaven.

I haven’t seen any episode as stand-alone nor anthological. Every episode organically flows from the last into the next.

Obviously the character had a lot of story potential that was squandered, but it’s not like there isn’t merit to the writing as-is.

I can totally see Atticus punching out Leti or any other woman in the show. He’s a misogynist.

In a show with the Tulsa Massacre as one of the foundations of the show you really expect consequences?

How is it an oversight? A huge theme of the show is misogyny. Atticus has internalized misogyny, just like his father. They use people.

What did you find so incoherent?

The Notorious RBG meme is purely liberal/centrist. True leftists never put RBG on a pedestal because we knew how conservative she was.

Biden has on many occasions declined his support for court-packing.