
Sanders already has encouraged his followers to support and vote Biden. What more do you expect?

Winning the primary doesn't necessarily suggest electability, otherwise HRC, Kerry, Gore, and so on would've won.

Biden delegates, surrogates, and supporters have been attacking anyone that levies valid criticisms towards Biden. Two delegates have called for FBI investigation into reporters covering Reade’s allegations.

I didn’t mention E-mails.

I’m sort of conflating likability with enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, it’s a lot harder to demotivate the base of an incumbent than it is to motivate a the base of a challenger.

Leading polls six months out from the election doesn’t mean much, especially when those some polls show Biden has low enthusiasm, low youth/Hispanic support, and high intention to stay home or vote third-party.

Reade has not once changed her story. She has, however, shared additional details over time, which does not constitute a conflicting narrative.

Except this very article points out that outside content generators are unlikely to be motivated enough to work or volunteer for Biden.

Maybe it’s not that the left doesn’t want Biden to win so much as they believe he’s not likely to win.

Ignore it all you like, but it could easily depress enough voters into staying home for Trump to win.

It’s called journalism. Voters have a right to know of any potential liability of a candidate so as to better choose a nominee.

Sanders supporters are not a personality cult. Sanders himself cannot just snap his fingers and force his supporters to work for Biden.

Except youth turnout was up in nearly every state and Sanders overwhelmingly won voters under the age of 50.

Sure. The “enthusiasm” (attacks and gaslighting) from Biden Bros is now turning off even more people than Sanders supporters ever did.

Just like Obama discovered Weinstein was a rapist when he vetted him to intern his daughter in ‘17, right?

Young voter turnout was up in nearly every state. It’s just that the general electorate increased for all demographics.

It’s what Reade stated she believed and it’s what Grim reported Reade told him.

I don’t get this notion that Grim is a Sanders supporter. He was and remains a Warren supporter.

I’m not changing my mind. I see no inconsistency.