
What do you think the Twitter heads suggests/proves?

What do you believe the Twitter exchange suggests?

It was reported the Biden campaign did send operatives to the Archives, so Biden is either telling the truth there’s no record or said records were taken/destroyed.

Additional Mueller materials were unredacted/revealed yesterday. It's a trickle that'll take years.

It’s a primary. The American voters deserve to know any potential vulnerabilities before settling on a nominee. Biden must be vetted.

Reade contacted the Warren, Harris, and Klobuchar campaigns with this complaint past year to no response.

How are staffers currently working for Biden and hoping to work in his administration any less unbiased then Reade’s family?

I mean, it was reported multiple times that Obama urged Biden not to run.

I love that you’re using Obama as a shield, as though he can do no wrong and has no tainted associations.

Joe Biden has yet to directly respond to the allegations, and his campaign has not yet contacted Reade.

Potentially. The Democratic Party convention has yet to occur, so Biden isn’t locked in as nominee.

Warren only polled as the frontrunner. In terms of state wins and delegates that was never the case.

The Fremen literally point out that the person Paul defeated was one of their worst fighters.

The Democratic Party relies on the black and Hispanic votes, but does little to actually benefit those communities.

At least you’re honest that it’s only about political expediency.

Oh yes. I have no interest in the prequels/sequels.

Yes. What does Paul do in the book that’s better than what the Fremen do? Nothing.

The Democratic Party convention has yet to occur, so Biden is not yet locked as the Democratic nominee.

Biden is such a damaged candidate that no matter who he selects to shore up demographic support, it’ll still come off as a snub against the base of the running mate not picked.

Yep. Bloomberg endorses Biden and is currently working to handle his campaign? Not a peep from Warren or the other candidates who rightly attacked Bloomberg.