
I’m sure Obama doesn’t want Biden to run because he fears that would tarnish his legacy while he’s still young and grifting.

Clinton lost to a reality game show host. She was not the better candidate. Lincoln Chafee would’ve been a better candidate.

Why are you arguing that Trump is further right than McCain? If anything, McCain was further right than Trump.

More people that voted for Sanders in the ‘16 primary went on to vote for Clinton than Clinton primary voters would vote fir Obama in ‘08.

Sanders literally did all of that while Clinton in ‘08 was awaiting the assassination of Obama.

This is a really great point.

It’s a little surprising that this far into the show’s run that Zeke of all characters elicits more sympathy than Jimmy, Jr.

Have you seen Fargo? Why would anyone trust hiring a stranger to beat the shit out of you and not kill you?

Unless you yourself are black, it’s racist for you to say that.

Black women are not a monolith. It’s racist to assume others.

Warren isn’t Native American, so no matter how much she was “bullied” by the President, it really shouldn’t have bothered her.

Warren isn’t Native American, so no matter how much she was “bullied” by the President, it really shouldn’t have bothered her.

Warren has claimed tribal membership before, which is why she’s apologizing specifically to the Cherokee Nation.

He’s the most popular politician in the nation and one of the few candidates with a built-in campaign network. Why not?

Once again, Maduro did not threaten to withhold subsidies. Maduro was very clearly expressing the likely fact that the neoliberal/right-wing opposition would repeal those subsidies if they were to win.

The Carter Center considers the Venezuelan elections to have been valid. Disliking the results does not mean the election was rigged.

Too many centrist candidates will prevent any from consolidating the left vote, allowing a true leftist candidate to get through.

She’s 100% right, though. Why should a colonial, racist police-state have a right to existence? Israel is committing ethnic cleansing, if not genocide, against the Palestinians.

Clinton’s campaign had just as much sexual harassment if not more and they covered it up. The Sanders campaign is miles ahead in terms of integrity.