
Who gives a shit? Is sexual harassment, Medicare-For-All, a $15 minimum wage, and so much more not immensely more important than Russian foreign policy?

No one turned out to vote Sanders in the California ‘16 primary not because enthusiasm had waned but because AP called the nomination for Clinton the day before based off superdelegates.

It’s one of the smallest states, so it’s very easy to campaign in every single district/county. I agree that Iowa shouldn’t as important as other states, but its a good test-case for a candidates campaigning skill.

Or it could be the bit about earn their way to the middle-class.

Leopoldo López is corrupt and was rightfully barred from political office.

The very articles you cite suggest that the opposition in Venezuela was not so much banned from running as they simply chose to boycott the election.

Why make it about Stein voters when RBG could have very well retired at several points during Obama’s terms? This is on RBG and her ego for putting justice in such a precarious position.

Why are you under the assumption that Sanders won’t change his affiliation to Democrat to run in the primaries? That’s exactly what he did in ‘16.

What are you talking about? WikiLeaks released the Clinton E-mails.

Sanctions are currently imposed on Venezuela exactly because of U.S. interests. I won’t deny that some of the nation’s domestic issues are of the Maduro government, but the nation is not exactly living within a bubble.

Exactly. Obama had a majority in 2013. She should’ve retired then, if not in 2009.

Since when is the far left known for their love of meaningless platitudes?

Yeah, Clinton and Sanders both announced in April of 2015 and that was considered very late.

What are you talking about? These debates are great for the left!

Yes, there were too few debates in 2016 and many were broadcast during the weekends — usually coinciding with a sporting event or other, more popular programming that drew viewership.

How is this the wrong thing? More debates, sooner, is exactly what the Democratic Party needs!

Howard Dean is currently a lobbyist. Progressives would probably be even more upset with him than Perez.

Yeah, I dont like Shaun of the Dead, but the sequel title is quite good.

Those articles admit the facts, yet present them as if they’re not a clear indictment of Clinton corruption.

France imposed a regressive tax policy in the working-class while cutting taxes for the wealthy. That’s the impetus of the yellow-jacket protests.