
You insinuated the United States would not elect a Jewish man. Tell me why you believe a Jewish person could not be president.

Nice anti-semitism. Why wouldn’t you vote for the first Jewish president?

Agreed. Very misleading headline, even if unintentional.

Isn’t this election fraud? Defining it as “voter fraud” gives the impression it’s voters defrauding the election, not those that control it.

We’re facing a climate change crisis. We can’t accept anyone as candidate that even appears to be willing to support those industries.

Progressives dont like Beto due to his acceptance of contributions from the oil/gas industry.

Trump’s policies and goals are virtually identical to Bush’s. The only difference between the two is that Trump doesn’t play with the pretense of civility politics.

I’m hoping for the best, but our government has a history of not prosecuting those who deserve it.

Remember when many of Secretary Clinton’s top aides were all granted immunity, yet no one was charged?

That’s not really debunked. At all.

Than you’re just ageist. It should be all about the policies.

Beto is not a progressive. Hes bought by oil and gas interests, opposes Medicare for All, and voted to loosen regulations on banks.

Nancy Pelosi is one year older than Sanders. Is she too older to be Speaker of the House?

Many Sanders supporters would happily vote for someone else if anyone else was nearly as qualified or progressive. That could still change, but thus far has not.

I wouldnt want to accuse a former president of rape, either, unless I was in a court room under oath. Even then most women wouldn’t want to admit it.

Its incredible how huge this story is and how easily it could be used against Trump and his administration, yet has been for the most part entirely ignored due to the Clinton connections.

How, exactly, is Uranium One a “fake news” story?

This could very well be the Russians preparing to help Sanders win 2020.

And under Bushs own terms he was willingly the Vice President of Reagan, so that is very well reason to judge him in addition to his own presidential actions.

How are you even supposed to know the rationale behind a name without being presumptious and judgemental?