
Everything Clinton did precipitated Bush, which gave way to Obama, which brought Trump. There’s such a thing as precedent and Obama set a very, very bad precedent in so many ways that he’s as much to blame for what Trump is doing now as Trump is himself.

The primaries are exactly when we go hard against these candidates. When else, if never?

I love kielbasa, but abhor eating pork. Especially considering the coming climate apocalypse precipitated by industrial farming.

This naming convention is extremely popular with African-Americans, Mormons, and other religious groups with an ethnic background.

My name is Steven. I always gets Stephen.

And the U.S. government does not?

The president directs the Department of Justice who to investigate and prosecute, so Obama very well could have had the bankers investigated and prosecuted.

For real. This is the same argument people use to absolve VP Pence.

Obama understood the risks with droning when he decided he wanted to invade more countries without racking up American KIA. Obama very well preferred killing children.

Not only that, but Dagwood is so lazy because he comes from wealth and privilege. He was cut off from the family fortune for marrying Blondie.

I did. What gives you the impression I didn't?

And this is after the last centrist challenger dropped out due to her husband facing corruption charges.

Your context is racist bullshit considering the vast racial gentrification of New Orleans.

Build more public schools, not charter schools. It very well is siphoning money.

Exactly. Politics is about power, now cathartic partisanship.

I just do not understand the bizarre obsession with Greenwald and why so many misrepresent his views.

This is it. My partner has side salads all the time. It gets very boring quickly.

Gouda is my second least favorite cheese, following provolone.

Why don’t you politely ask your mother to break the turkey down and cook it separately?

It sounds dry because they’re cooking the entire bird whole instead of broken down.