
Watson did accurately articulate Obama’s position. The issue is that Obama was obfuscating, if not outright lying, because Obama is a fraud that caused our current voter apathy crisis.

Why does Obama think that voter apathy is a problem if not the Republican Party and corruptive money-in-politcs?

Running for office is very, very expensive and not always viable considering how often the Democratic Party establishment undermines any progressive challenger.

There were a ton of Obama administration scandals. Were you not paying attention to “Operation Fast and Furious,” or the numerous illegal wars, or the expansion of the surveillance state, or the assassination of U.S. citizens without trial?

Yeah, being more Republican than George W. Bush was the way to go for Obama to truly cement his legacy.

How, exactly, did any of that backfire on Republicans when Republicans won the presidency and complete control of government?

This is utterly inane.

Barack Obama: Lost more Democratic seats than any president since before WWII.

People might have voted if Obama actually inspired them. Why is it he fault of voters that Obama couldn’t hold his own coalition together?

Every? I agree with Watson and see many commenters that do as well.

Voting is a privilege few can afford.

Voter apathy caused by Obama?

The black and Latino communities wouldve made a big fucking difference in 2016 as well. Do you want to blame them as well, or perhaps just maybe the true blame lies with Clinton and her campaign?

Obama did a lot, but nothing that made a difference in the daily lives of the poor and the marginalized. Obama did little good, and a lot of bad.

Obama lost more offices for the Democratic Party since prior to WWII. Whos fault is it that hes that bad at politics he couldnt maintain the coalition that voted him into power? The voters, or Obama?

Obama could’ve pushed for true single-payer. He could’ve prosecuted the bankers. He could’ve not droned more people and deported more refugees than any prior president.

Obama is gaslighting Americans into believing their alienation from politics is their own fault when in reality it’s the Obama administration and the Democratatic Partys own fault that voter turnout is so low by breaking every campaign promise they made.

Try reading the entire piece. This is discussed.

I watched it five times!

I literally watched the first season five times as a means of doing my part" towards renewal. Glad to see it worked!