
This is a huge issue. My longterm partner was only very recently diagnosed with digestive issues, including gluten-intolerance.

Youre overlooking the word generally, obviously.

But did repealing Glass-Steagall mitigate the financial crisis any better than not repealing it?

No, but the United States is.

Assange cannot leave or he will be arrested and extradited to the United States.

How did Assange help Russia install Trump as president? Did Assange or Russia convince or otherwise coerce Clinton into not campaigning in the Midwest states?

Assange cannot “leave anytime he wants,” else he’ll be arrested and extradited to the United States.

Michael aging into an adult from toddler overnight is a reasonable means of justifying the timeline inconsistencies between seasons as Michael’s gestation time in Murder House was very unnaturally quick as well.

Jump-scare? We must have a different definition if you thought there were any jump-scares in the series.

Gugino, who previously starred in Flanagan’s Gerald’s Game[...]”

Aesthetically, the House on Haunted Hill remake always reminds me of Ghost Ship (2002).

“Bipartisan” is dog-whistle for “Do nothing.”

I'm aware of tribal hypocrisy, but they still get to decide their own standard.

If this were the case then said grandmother would be on the Cherokee rolls. They're not.

That's the issue: why should any tribe agree with the standards set by the federal government? By any other tribe?

Warren identified herself as Cherokee in a cook book, so she did claim tribal affiliation.

Warren releasing a DNA test and playing into Trumpian show-politics is probably the worst unforced error. Itll certainly become a 2020 primary issue ever more than it already would have been.

They’re simply stating the facts, not weighing in. Is even just mentioning the story somehow detrimental to Feinstein?

If not voting is equal to “voting for Trump,” then how is it not also “voting for Clinton”?

You do realize that Bill Clinton is also an accused rapist and pedophile, right?