
How do you feel about the many, many politicians that have closed-door meetings and cocktail fundraisers with lobbyists?

God-Emperor is nearly as popular as the first in the series among the most diehard and orthodox of fans. It’s probably become more appreciated over the years as the sort of antithesis of the Brian Herbert/Kevin J. Anderson continuation.

Interestingly, many diehard fans consider God-Emperor at least as good as the first in the series, if not better.

Many people feel it hypocritical for Gadot to star as Wonder Woman considering her real-life beliefs regarding Israel and its treatment of Palestine doesn’t square with Diana’s philosophy.

Gal Gadot supports Israeli apartheid, hence miscast.

True or not, you sound just like a supporter of Al Franken claiming he shouldn’t have resigned for groping over a dozen women simply because he’s a Democrat.

You’re very right that Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique” is more about the loss of female identity than what defines it, though Friedan did write:

“Anatomy is woman’s destiny, say the theorists of femininity; the identity of woman is determined by her biology.”

See, that would make sense. Transhumanist works (consciousness uploading or gene-splicing) are popular themes for trans and the disabled.

To be fair, disability discourse usually holds that “magically" removing a disability is offensive to the disabled.

It’s almost knock-off Filmation!

People in other countries generally find American “patriotism” baffling if not disturbing.

MSNBC is comparably to FOX news, according to Bill Clinton.

There really isn’t an Israeli leftist party, outside of activist groups. The most “liberal” party in Israel is roughly comparable to the American Democratic Party, meaning they’re both more-or-less “centrist” and strike “bipartisan” deals with with Netanyahu’s party more than 50% of the time.

The Netanyahu administration has even begun normalizing ties with Saudi Arabia in an effort to ally against Iran!

The international Jewish community essentially disintegrated the moment Israel was founded as even then several prominent Zionists did not agree with the tactics and policies of other Zionists.

I imagine this “origin” will be more of a final chapter with some flashbacks.

Exactly. It only seems strange or innovative because everyone has forgotten that most if not all superhero films were specifically developed as stand-alone, self-contained continuities.

Shortsightedness? It’s clear DC has finally realized they just can’t compete with Marvel in terms of building a shared cinematic universe and will instead scale back to doing stand-alone, self-contained films.

They’re only describing this as a ‘prequel’ because to use any other term or description would likely spoil the overall film.

That’s 100% not true. Why would the WFP force out an incumbent? Changing residency would have no impact.