
Crowley doesn’t need to “move” anywhere. He already lives in Virginia. He just needs to change his legal residence.

WFP itself has demanded Crowley vacate the party line, yet Crowley refuses.

Crowley can simply change his legal residence to Virginia, where he and his family actually live.

If the Trump campaign meeting Russians for dirt on Clinton is collusion then so too is the Clinton campaign meeting Ukrainians.

Okay, well “95% end in a guilty plea" is no reason to presume guilt. That's the opposite of our legal system.

Thank you! If I could, I would have re-written:

Multiple figures related to the Clinton campaign and Clinton Foundation were granted immunity under Comey, yet no one was ultimately prosecuted. Conservatives still trumpeted the entire campaign season that Clinton’s demise was nigh.

Then they should have gone on national television and actually said something when it would’ve mattered.

The report for said indictments does not provide full evidence, only allegations. If a journalist won’t accept allegations without evidence neither will I.

So, what, the C.I.A. and F.B.I. were utterly powerless to prevent Bush from lying and committing war crimes? Their hands were collectively tied?

Indictments are allegations that very often can be dismantled by the defense. I inherently do not trust any prosecutor when it comes to effecting justice, from local offices up to the Department of Justice itself.

You sound like a McCarthyite Republican that treats politics like pageantry.

The “solid policy end game” for Abolish ICE is... abolishing ICE. Clearly.

You’re a homophobic bigot.

Choosing not to believe without evidence organizations historically known for lying and fabricating evidence is mutually exclusive from believing Trump or Putin specifically.

Yes, the same American intelligence community that willfully lied to not only the American citizenry but also the world about alleged “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq.

I guess I’m the only one that actually liked if not preferred Louis over Lestat!

Rampage is still the highest rated film adaptation of a video game, though.

There’s fan speculation that the Pandora Sequence is a sort of loose prequel to the Dune chronicles!

Chapterhouse is a great place to stop as the prequels, interquels, and (eventual) sequels written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson are highly controversial.