
I've read several post-election autopsy books, including Clinton's. Clinton remains oblivious to the fact that they alone are responsible for their loss, not Russians or Bernie Bros or Obama.

Or Guantanamo Bay during the 2000s and nows.

I would assert the argument for more prisons is similar to more classrooms: smaller, more manageable and specialized programs.

There will always be criminals requiring rehabilitation, so abolishing prisons wholesale is by no means a solution. A far more progressive and compassionate policy would actually be more prisons — the goal being to reduce prison overpopulation, house prisoners nearer family, and to alleviate prison guard overwork

An op-ed that does not mention Ocasio-Cortez by name in the headline nor provide any direct quotes from the candidate is by no means the type of feature you should be lauding.

Football is not won by how many yards are run but by the number of touchdowns. Similarly, the Electoral College does not work on the basis of the popular vote.

You have yet to provide any example of “actual facts” that contradict my points. Turnout was depressed and I stand by that statement.

You’re holding up “nearly equal” as if that somehow bolsters your point. Much like the 2014 midterms, registered Democrats simply did not vote while Republicans turned out en masse.

I definitely agree, but very often “populism” has been conflated by the media with Trump or “Trump-style” candidates in a way that that gives the impression it’s a purely far-right reactionary movement.

Well, yes, but that’s relatively irrelevant when it comes to ICE.

How isn’t it true? Voter turnout in 2016 was incredibly depressed across the board. Only 59% of eligible voters actually voted.

I've been a registered Democrat since turning 18 in 2008. I have a right to criticize my own party and own representatives.

The eligible electorate in 2016 was higher than in 2008 or prior election years because the U.S. population has grown.

I don’t see how “Fuck you, [name],” is necessarily a gendered insult, nor the words “pissed” or “stewing.”

You’re severely underestimating the potential electorate. Voting rates are so low because the two available parties only very rarely enthuse voters. The overwhelming majority of Americans don’t vote and aren’t even registered.

For the progressive Left, “liberal” is as derogatory as it is when used by conservatives. It’s why the Left has worked so hard to distance itself from liberalism, which as proved by the 2016 election is a dead brand.

You’re the first person here to call it a “cat fight.”

Crowley was the fourth-ranking Democrat and in line to become the next Democratic Speaker of the House. They also outspent Ocasio-Cortez 10-to-1 and still lost.

I wouldn’t blame Sanders “vision” necessarily for his failure in the primaries. As much as I do blame the DNC for Sanders ultimately not performing as well as he could, I would lay the blame on Sanders waffling too long before announcing his candidacy.

Everything you’ve brought up is not only wrong but entirely beside the point. Ocasio-Cortez winning in such a heavily blue district is incredible and game-changing exactly because of how heavily blue it was.