
Running a far more Leftist candidate than Clinton would certainly win the election as more people would be enthused to vote that it would close the margin of error that allowed Clinton to lose.

Elizabeth Warren does not want to be president and even if she did she does not have the foreign policy credentials to justify a run. Warren has one focus: banking corruption.

I meant anointed.’ Apologies for the confusion!

I meant that Cuomo was anointed, not appointed. My apologies for the confusion!

Wasn't Cuomo appointed by his father? Surely that is also white privilege.

Ocasio-Cortez has already stayed that she wants Pelosi and Schumer out of their positions, so I would not necessarily assign it as a win for them either.

Please provide a link, though I’m certain they did not.

Very exciting to see endorsements made by Our Revolution finally showing results. Recall that the New York Times did not run a single article on Ocasio-Cortez during this primary race, yet just a week ago published a piece with a narrative suggesting Our Revolution has been ineffectual.

Good thing Ocasio-Cortez did in fact win!

I’m quite excited for President Sanders because it would mean his Vice President and successor could potentially serve two and a half terms.

I do believe that ICE could and should be abolished, but I understand why Sanders is not (yet) calling for it. I hope he does at some point.

Trump wants the narrative about immigration because it’s a wedge issue he knows will defeat Democrats/progressives, whereas healthcare would be a losing issue.

Sanders is incredibly popular not so much because he’s an Independent but because he’s just not a Democrat.

You’re demonstrating exactly why Sanders couldn’t just come out in favor of abolishing ICE. Sanders has already been made out to be some communist-socialist bogeyman, so outright eliminating all immigration laws and removing the border would only prove Republican rhetoric correct.

I don’t at all feel the ending was “unfinished,” but do believe a continuation is possible.

I don’t at all feel the ending was “unfinished,” but do believe a continuation is possible.

Obviously. No film is about its characters specifically. The entire medium is intended metaphor and allegory.

I enjoyed the film, but found the ending as confusing as The Stepford Wives (2004) and its own similar revelation(s).

How isn't it, though? He survived, did he not?

What, exactly, is the point then? It seems obvious to me that most would look at the aftermath of the film’s events and assume what do often happens in real life.