
The TSA has been a massive success in terms of union membership, labor rights, and representation.

You’re not differentiating between “the Left” and and centrist liberalism. It’s the latter that cannot criticize itself and perceives any criticism from “the Left” as no different from “the Right.”

We’re talking about legal precedent, not some undefinable slippery slope of philosophical posturing.

Yes, all these policies are purely responsible for the Venezuela’s economic situation and the United States is completely unrelated. You seriously don’t think sanctions have any influence?

You’re only demonstrating the inequality in France’s voting-system by comparing it to the system of the U.S. Both are incredibly un-democratic.

I most certainly am not blaming Obama for the outcome of the French election. I am only stating that Obama should not have interfered in a foreign election, though it certainly wasn’t his first time doing such a thing.

Macron winning has practically ensured the empowerment of Le Pen’s movement. It’s Macron’s centrist neoliberal policies that even made Le Pen look attractive to the electorate to begin with.

Those statements from Mélenchon regarding the media don’t read too poorly to me.

You’re certainly welcome to provide quotes and/or video for any alleged derision, insulting, or belitting from Mélenchon.

Criticizing the media and its relationship with establishment/elitist power-stuctures is not in itself Trump-like. This is the same argument used against Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn and even now Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Actually, there was also Jean-Luc Mélenchon. If Obama had not interferred in the French election by endorsing Macron then Mélenchon could have performed much better.

Could we get a more recent and ongoing example of American internment?

Perhaps Guantanamo Bay and the War on Terror regarding Muslims and Arabs both American and foreign? Or perhaps even mass incarceration and the War on Drugs regarding black and latinx Americans?

I’m a progressive millennial Californian and let me tell you the problem with our state is that it is by no means progressive let alone “anti-Trump.”

I’m still pulling for the “Morton & Jankel” cut of Super Mario Bros.

How is this illegal? This is exactly what progressives had hoped President Sanders would do.

Imagine President Sanders utilizing the bully pulpit with even a fraction more competence and ethics than President Trump. Perhaps then the Washington Post union would gladly use this opportunity for said strike.

This is the same Roger Stone that has consistently claimed advanced knowledge of leaks via contact with Julian Assange, though all evidence points to Stone bullshitting.

A huge controversy boiling over among industry creatives is how the major comics publishers have been bungling sales for decades (what else is new) and blaming it on consumers/creatives.