
One of the more interesting things is that according to the complaint, this is not the first time that they’ve put call transcripts onto that secure server due to things that are simply politically sensitive rather than matters of national security.

 Shut up, tomato. 

I love that a guy who screams “fake news!” at the drop of a hat is going to be undone by literally believing “fake news.”

“She’s selling fear” complains network that does nothing but sell fear to dumbfucks, bigots, and Boomers.  Are they worried she’s cutting into their business model?

She’s calling people to acknowledge the existence of reality which won’t go away just because we ignore it. No wonder Fox and Friends are terrified.

Yeah, this sounds exciting, but it’s going nowhere just like the 85 other issues the House Democrats have held hearings on, because they don’t have the balls to push back on the administration’s stonewalling. 


Has been for the last 30 years. America didn’t get this way overnight.

I hate dealing in absolutes, but I’m beginning to think that the Republican party is truly Anti-American.

Though you do not need to be Republican to commit sexual assault, sexual assault without consequences is becoming very “on brand” for Republicans.

Look at that baby-child with the hat! Few people make Beto look like the elder statesman but when viewed side to side like that...

Is your environment Dallas?

Baldingers breakdowns are really great because it gives us fans that have never played the game a better understanding about the X’s and O’s. He does this with a lot of different teams. Coll stuff.

There’s no way she thought he’d live this long. Just no fucking way.

It’s totally cool and normal to have a President incapable of coherent thoughts about his immediate family.

Being a Baltimore native my go-to cheap beer is National Bohemian, which I consider superior to PBR—though it’s possible the two beers flow out of the same tank like the three varieties of Duff. Branding!

“Who is more the fool, the fool himself or the one who follows the fool?”

I’m gonna forego the snark for about an instant and say divorce SUCKS.

Hmm, it’s almost like the children of shitty people become shitty people. Who’d have thunk it?

Pfft. Arrogance and grifting are the backbone of the evangelical movement.  Nothing’s going to happen to him unless he’s caught with a dead girl or a live boy.