
This discussion doesn’t get enough attention. It always amazes me when I hear that such-ahd-such airline is reconfiguring its seats to add MORE. At some point, it is ridiculous.

I know it’s received some attention but there needs to be more. If the government needs to step in, so be it. But at some point there need to

This really is correct. I’ve had plenty of times in life where a friend or girlfriend will politely let me know that my facial hair look is not as cool as I think it is, or my tie isn’t tied well, or that I could stand to lose a few pounds, or whatever.

Yeah. Trump is willfully ignorant and has no idea what’s involved in going to Mars (and, sadly, the entire project is simply ego-driven). But there’s a very good chance that a rush job would only end up with a large capsule rocketing towards Mars which, halfway through its journey, would only be filled with a bunch of

Garlic presses suck

In college, my roommates and I came up with a grand idea: the Worst Drink Contest. The concept was simple: Each of us would write out a drink using up to three types of alcohol and two mixers. A neighbor came in and read off each of them to us and we voted (honor system, you couldnt vote for your own). The losers had

I recently got a speeding ticket in NoVa. Ticket fine was $35. My total bill was close to $100. It’s nuts. 

I have an accountant friend and he says the IRS are way less scary than people think, and they’ll usually work with you if you’re in arrears.

As a liberal Democrat who used to live in Oklahoma, I feel for you.

How do two blowouts argue for an expanded playoff field?

As a young, white, rural, christian, kid, I heard the “happy holidays” thing, and just assumed it was meant to cover both Christmas and New Year’s, since my life perspective was pretty much dominated by school, and there was a whole bunch of people we were civil with, but not close with, who we wouldn’t see inbetwixt

You do realize bill Cosby was found to also be innocent of false sexual allegations, right? And a mistrial happened due to it? Awkward reference

No, wait. Is that photo doctored in any way? I have seen shit in the last few hours mocking this, but I cannot believe that what I’m looking at is real. Who, after years of being on TV, thinks “I’m going to get shitty spray-painted hair for next time!” It just seems insane. 

I’ve been thinking about Trump’s eventual funeral was we watched, read, and listened to all of the discussion of George H. W. Bush’s legacy, etc. According to the SSA, we can expect him to make it into his mid 80s. (I don’t know what they are taking into account with that; on the one hand, he doesn’t drink or smoke,

I have wondered this, too. They’re 3 points apart in Elo rating. They are even. That they would draw so often with all the massive prep that each person’s team has put in isn’t surprising at all. It isn’t crazy to imagine that Carlsen worked to win but— if he didn’t find a quality line early enough— took no chances

Hey Ben-- heard you on NPR the other day! I’m glad they reached out to you to talk a bit about the match and hope they will again once things conclude.

I still hear wealthy people bitch about poor people’s “flat screen TV’s”, as though flat screen isn’t the only kind of TV they sell anymore. I can’t remember the last time you could buy a CRT TV at a store, and if you can I bet it wouldn’t be cheaper than a cheap flat screen.

So, four ties?

and the uneasy tilt of his standing-on-a-hoverboard-for-the-first-time posture

Thanks for the links! I will certainly have a look.

I’m completely ignorant on this set up, but how can you go nearly 30 years in what is called the World Championship without the top two seeds/players being in it?