
I feel some of the responsibility for this as well. I mean, I'm watching it.


You know what, that’s starting to piss me off. You can’t correct ANYTHING anymore without it being called “pedantic.” A year from now we’re going to be seeing things like this:

I would like a system that kept the 1080p visuals and instead eradicated loading times. That’s the dream right there.

Eh, it doesn’t look all that great.

Not only does it look cool, but the sound wouldn’t go amiss in a sci fi movie with all the buzzing and crackling.

At the end of the day, the entire MCU is enjoyable. Critical and fan consensus places Iron Man 2 as the weakest film, but even that was pretty fun, and had some cool parts ( I really hope we can get Sam Rockwell back in some capacity). With Marvel films, you have to actively look for a weakness. With DC, you have to

Well, I thought it was that good. The comedy was sharp, the characters were surprisingly well defined with depth, despite how little time each of them could get, the soundtrack was used fantastically, the action was exciting and it zigged in a lot of places where other movies would zag.

GotG is easily my favourite MCU movie. It's well written , has great pacing , it's got a great sense of humour etc.

Why do people like GotG so much ? it wasn’t really that good.

“You tell me you love me, but then you spend all weekend drinking and bowling with Darryl!”

The real reason Natalie Portman won’t be back: Darryl.

I went into this all giddy eyed, but I have to be honest, Hemsworth is clearly a talented comic actor, but the jokes felt almost pathologically unfunny to me. My biggest problem with the movvie Thor, was that it leant too heavily on the fish out of water theme “What is this fantastical item?” “A door” “Hey nonny

See, this why everyone loves Marvel. This shit, right here.

Now playing

They also released Seijun Suzuki’s classics Tokyo Drifter, Gate of Flesh, and Youth of the Beast. (The latter starred Joe Shisudo, whom MST3K fans might recognize as the apple-cheeked “Captain Joe” from the Fugitive Alien saga.)

I’d spring for an IMAX ticket for that sucker. I’d hope they’d just give the Guyver suit a mullet.

Maybe if the movie is an unexpected success, Paramount will fuse the MacGyver reboot with The Guyver to form — wait for it — The MacGuyver.

> There is no Earth to produce the Beastie Boys.

Dunno, looks to me like they put a humorous spin on a lot of the ads.