
I think it’s flat out amazing. I thought the first picture was an actual picture of the actress next to the doll.

Come talk to me when you’re dealing with 26mm. I can’t stand it when 28mm people think they’re hot shit.

Oh, c’mon, don’t be petty. He did a great job.

To be fair, the figure is 19 inches tall. Does that take skill? Yes it does. Does it take practice? Yes it does.

more like, every artist owes a debt to moebius and french comic book artists of the 60's-80's.

If you bother to read up on it, you’ll find that Akira was butchered pretty badly to fit in its runtime, compared to the manga. That’s why you see such seemingly unique characters popping up in the background, visually very distinct, but often without obvious names or purposes, yet they stand out from random nobodies.

Two answers for those who don’t get Akira!

Interesting, but I have to say that the CGI version somehow loses “weight” and “friction”. The bikes just seem to be floating on a slick surface to me. Somehow the anime does a better job for me of representing the world around it and not taking me out of the moment.

Just got to the end of the video. Guess I’ll donate!

Wait the head is totally fake? Holy junk.

Pigeons, while not being the fastest flyers in the world, are total badasses and among the strongest flyers among birds.

There’s a reason why pigeon/dove diversity is super high in the South Pacific, and that nearly every island in the South Pacific has a unique species of pigeon. It’s because some ancestor similar to

I am wrong about the pigeon being the fastest - they are not - but I can’t edit it now.

Birds are insane about cars. Like, stupid insane.

The only reason I thought of this was that there was a pigeon that used to follow my dad around like this on a farm. The only thing is he wasn’t likely to get lost in a rural farm. He even followed us when we moved to a new house.

Quick call pixar! We have a Finding Nemo / Cars crossover movie for them!

The sad truth may be this dove may have been raised by someone whom he learned to follow around and has lost his friend “mate”. Now he is desperately searching, looking through cars to find them.

There’s probably a raptor flying overhead, and this guy is keeping it low and speedy, much like bikers running away from cops.

On another note, on my way back from office today, I saw a common mynah got hit by an army truck who’s doing a good 100kmph on the right lane (see, I’m using metric)

Mynah has a top speed of

Probably avoiding wind resistance. Seems possible that drafting works for birds.

What you can't really see in the video is the GoPro strapped to his head and the Red Bull logo on his wing.