
Yes, they are indeed magical..

I’m always astounded when I hear people didn’t know narwhals were real. And then I remember not everyone was a nerd like me as a kid. (I read encyclopedias for fun.)

Now playing

Something about those 2D platforming sections game me a distinct Mischief Makers (N64) vibe. Anybody else remember that game?

Hmm I watched that last weekend and thought it was very mediocre. Guess I’m in the minority on that one.

This guy would and has:

Doesnt see what all the fuss is about.

Lol what the fuck... ‘false advertisement’. Admit it, you didn’t like this episode because he shat on your favorite franchise.

nobody buys a FF game if they’re not already a fan. it really doesn’t matter what Conan says.

This game absolutely feels like the sunk cost fallacy at work. And they seem to be more and more paranoid about it not selling, constantly adding to the tower of game versions and spin-off products to try to recoup costs.

I have so much more nostalgia for the 16 bit games than the 8 bit gen. I was around for both, and I did play a lot of NES and even some Sega Master System, but 16 bit games still look amazing, and have a little more complexity to them. There are some NES games that still look good and play well, but not nearly as

Yeah, for sure. SNES games (at least the good ones, lol) have held up a lot better than the NES titles.

Totally. Sure the NES games included are all fun, but some of them I’d play for maybe 15 minutes and be over with it for a long while. While I was scrolling through this list I kept thinking “oh, oh no... there goes another few weekends on that title— AND Secret of Mana?” hahaha

Now playing

Earthworm Jim is a visually stunning game that I absolutely hate to play. It took me years to admit that it is a frustrating mess. Great animation, great sound, hilarious music, and frustrating controls and level design.

This is why you are in the grays.

Notice how I never mentioned gaming. I simply mentioned that relatively inexpensive machines built for play have better hardware inside than this thing

  • Intel Core i7

Meteorological appropriation!

And it’s culturally insensitive to thunderstorms!

They released a little concept art showing very trippy stuff.

All of them?