Special Circumstances

Theatre 101....when you can’t raise the external stakes any further, look within...within both the character, and in your self. Well done, Mr. Capaldi.

I’m willing to overlook nearly all forms of bad writing to live in a universe where God is a pair of liquid-based lesbians.

I know, right! Every one of their album covers/t-shirts/posters was basically a comic book cover.

I would honestly rather read a comic about the real life adventures of Bruce Dickinson.

Eh, that mini season or whatever only had like 2 good episodes anyhow. I’m an X-Files fan from way back but I think the only way I wouldn’t be giving this season a pass is if Carter actually got Kaufman on staff.

The dismantling of the Arboghast was something I was really looking forward to seeing on screen, and they absolutely did not disappoint (I would have liked to see a second ‘dismantle’ action, like the book... breaking it into big pieces, then smaller... but I doubt it would have added much to the scene).

I think this is the part that makes it difficult for some people to settle into the show: it’s a show for adults, and is unapologetically intelligent.

He said in one scene he left plans for the drive on Mars, so his wife will have them.

I just had a pap test come back positive for one of the “unspecified” strains of HPV. The best part is that I haven’t had sex in four years. I wish I could have been vaccinated. When I was of the appropriate age, it was still brand new, and the FIRST of the three shots cost me $1200. WITH insurance. My poor

Taking your complaint seriously, aside from people on the far left, who are a small minority among those on the liberal end of the policical spectrum, no one is arguing for full-blown socialism, or full-blown communism. Nor is anyone seriously arguing for the outlaw of religion, even the anti-theist New Atheists, who

So, like how the right wants the US to be a theocracy like many conservative Muslim countries in the Middle East? A single party, one religion taking predominance over all others, sound familiar?

When I was still in the Navy I took a short trip overseas. Four of us went. Same flight, train, cab, number of days, return cab, train, and plane.

As someone in chronic pain from a chronic illness that I’ve had since 4 who also has a mother with lupus that requires 10 thousand dollars worth of meds a month to treat I’m glad republican donor greed got the better of them and the bill failed. As an American I’m horrified that tax cuts for the richest among us are

Sure - I think it’s a matter of taste. For whatever reason, I never came away thinking of Amos as a wall of muscle. Biggest guy in the group, sure, but his aura (and occasional just-off-of-normal phrasing) was much more standout. Naomi is a harder one for me to wrap my mind around, I really miss the idea that she’s

Amos is written as a much bigger, buffer guy — his very physical presence is intimidating in the books such that just a look from him is enough to stave off some threats.

He’s younger and doesn’t have the same physical presence the character in the book does. Amos is written as a much bigger, buffer guy — his very physical presence is intimidating in the books such that just a look from him is enough to stave off some threats.

They’d better not drop the awkward bathroom conversations, that’s all I’m saying.

It’s just a machine for finding things.

I quite agree about Amos. I hope the series continues to Nemesis Games; he’ll be great.

Eh... no disrespect to anyone who does get really hung up on casting, but when you’re adapting a book, nobody is ever going to match the picture I have in my head. Don’t think it’s possible, in the end. But, of course, that’s all IMHO and YMMV. Thomas Jane wouldn’t have been my first choice, for sure, but he’s done a