Special Circumstances

Heck, remember when Battlebots was on Comedy Central? Things werepretty random in the early days. . .

Three separate White House officials made up terrorist acts on three different occasions to push their offensive travel ban. Sure. Everything is fine.

Fun fact: in 1983 Russia’s automated missile defense system reported a US first strike. Watch officer Stanislav Petrov assessed the report as a false alarm and reported it is such to his superiors. Later analysis showed that Russian satellites picked up sunlight reflecting from high altitude clouds and mistook them

Not the angle: Ryan Reynolds doesn’t deserve his success.

skim heads

Every damn day he does something to remind me of Yeats’ The Second Coming:

I think he likes to talk tough to compensate for the fact he’s terrified of stairs.

I would watch the hellout of that movie. We can tie it into American Gods. Somebody call Neil Gaiman.

I thought this was very heartwarming. The protests are working to change America’s image.

Capaldi will be truly missed. I grew up with Tom Baker as The Doctor. Capaldi’s take on the role could not be more different, but frankly I think he is the best Doctor yet, and will be a hard act to follow. We finally had a Rock & Roll Doctor, and it was as refreshing as a cold Guinness on a hot day.

Heaven’s Sent was one of the best episodes of Who in my little opinion. I love the other doctors but Capaldi, hands down, is probably the strongest actor in the bunch.

Can someone PLEASE make this happen?

It’s a good possibility, he does play, he was in a band with Craig Ferguson back in the early 80s.

I’m really bummed that Capaldi is giving up the role. I’ve been watching Who since Pertwee and I have enjoyed his portrayal of the Doctor immensely. I don’t see why the “three year” rule seems to be such an obstacle. You would think that once you have a juicy role, you want to hold on to it as long as you can.

I have no idea where that thought came from, but I think I love you.

I’m within a few months of Winona’s ago, and I very definitely recognize that face: Six beers and a massive bong hit into a metal show, circa 1987, right before you start throwing devil horns, headbanging in a way that fortysomething you *will* regret, and hooting, “WHOO! FUCK YEAH! LEMMY!” even though Motörhead isn’t

Obviously that’s the secret hidden “9th” pick that we won’t know about until 8 years from now.

Just hide the immigrants and refugees in libraries, H&R Block and sexual harassment prevention classes. Trump will never find them there.

Reactions like yours are why national politics is as dysfunctional as it is.