Special Circumstances

While I know it’s not a universally loved adaptation, one of the reasons I like Benedict Lumbersnicker’s take on the character is that he plays Sherlock Holmes as an almost superhuman genius, yet a deeply flawed human being. Drug addict, narrow minded to the point he lacks common sense in some areas, and an absolute

And he’d still somehow lose the academy award to fucking Alec Baldwin.

That is a damn shame, to be honest.

Diarrhea can be like an intense storm, raging inside of you.

Eh, it’s kind of become a tradition for the regeneration scene to be the Actor himself reflecting on the role. Capaldi is one of the best actors to portray the role.

It seems fitting though, since Twelve seemed to be pretty big on speeches, even for a Moffat doctor. Capaldi being so good at them certainly helps.

Putting the philosophy next to the dick jokes probably makes it more realistic, if anything. I like the show, probably largely for the nostalgia, while recognizing that it’s not particularly brilliant or innovative. But I was bemused at those who criticized the show for not knowing if it was a comedy or a drama, as if

Same, the Orville was one of the best surprises this year and a welcome one. It gets no love due to people who just hate on Family Guy.

I’ve really enjoyed it as well. It’s Star Trek with more fart jokes. Not everything needs to be grim and gritty.

No surprise, The Orville went unmentioned in a Best TV Show of the Year list on io9...

My wife and I watched the 17 minute season 5 “preview” last night, and oh man we are STOKED to pick this show back up. I feel like it’s just gotten better and better with each season, and season 5 looks to really be the culmination of everything that’s happened prior.

Just remember we are victims of horrific gerrymandering that has kept republicans in power.

Wow, he was so young. I’ve never seen this show, but I just looked him up and one of the first news stories that came up from before today was an interview where Ellis criticized a former co-star for quitting because that actor didn’t want to play a gay character. That’s a stand up thing to do.

I adore all of the Doctors (and the actors who played them), but I’m not sure that anyone but Capaldi could’ve pulled off “Heaven Sent”. He was nothing short of brilliant in that episode.

Fair point. Story and episode faults aside, though, as far as his actual acting technique goes he’s still one of the best, if not the best.

“it’d be nice if we got a companion who left the show for a reason other than their kinda-sorta death.”

....was stunningly effective at getting across the tragedy of the Cybermen as a concept.

Damn hell I loved it. Overall the season has been pretty uneven in my opinion, lots of meh, some straight up ugh, but these last two episodes have been fantastic. Cop out or not I’m glad Bill didn’t die. Capaldi has been a truly amazing Doctor and I’m sad that some people seem to have written of his tenure as the

A great, tragic ending to one of the greatest doctors - and since he is a fan of the show, I hope he realizes how much good he did to it - and, hopefully, vice versa. Nonetheless...



Gods damnit. Missing the hero AND the