I used to want kids. Then I got a puppy, and I thought ‘yep, that’s enough responsibility thanks’. Very happy with this realization.
I used to want kids. Then I got a puppy, and I thought ‘yep, that’s enough responsibility thanks’. Very happy with this realization.
Healthy adults go out among people who are elderly, pregnant, very young, or care for them. The flu shot isn’t 100% effective, either.
So when a reviewer calls a stupid, mediocre video game stupid and mediocre, that must mean they’re “triggered” now?
Flu shots work, and are a smart way to reduce the chances that you’ll end up sick this winter. But that’s not the…
I wish that when Trump had whined about Clinton going negative with ads, she would have said with all sincerity:
super hella fragile racist extra #Bragadocious
So far, that line and Tyrion Lannister’s “That’s what I do - I drink and I know things” are neck-and-neck in the running for my Motto of the Year competition.
Thank you for putting the debate in terms that us gamers could digest as if we were Pac-Man!
Who’s more sensitive, someone who experiences emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault, or someone who experiences emotional distress over a sign warning people who might feel emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault?
Kristen O’Meara, a teacher who lives just outside of Chicago, decided not to vaccinate her three daughters when they…
I think Heidi straps one on and makes him call her “Madam President.”
Not me, exactly but the two women walking toward me in a sporting good store. That was the moment when the zipper on my sport bra gave up the game completely and unzipped so fast I could not even react. Both sides of this stupid bra pop out of the sides of my summer dress like weird ass wings and oh boy, did I wish I…
As long as it explains about Victoria becoming a werewolf.
I won’t disagree. totally different movies though. but I did enjoy mononoke more. but then I gotta put howl’s moving castle as number 1.
I understand why, legally, they are required to pay. It’s sound law and 99 times out of 100 it serves a good purpose.
Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!
Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it…
Bae and I are gonna Netflix and Chill All. Weekend. Long.
This bums me out. I think they were really finding their groove, but apparently millennials weren’t biting so we get more Chris Hardwick? I wish they had at least let them keep going through the election. They were having important conversations. I really hope he finds another outlet.
One assumes when Hillary Clinton says that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, she means by the authorities etc. when they report. Because a lot of women have a hellish time with the police and whatnot placing the burden of proof on sexual assault victims and re-victimizing them. And I also agree with…