I guess that’s what happens...
I guess that’s what happens...
I’d love for Leslie Jones and Retta to have a regular post-watch show where they recap their favorite programs.
High five for Texans trying to survive insufferable heat and humidity. It’s pretty awful in North Texas, too. That “cold front” is refreshing. It hasn’t been under triple digits in soo long!
Yay, neighbors! We should do an Austin Jezebel meetup sometime!
I’m from Texas and I just... Don’t go outside. I race from my front door to my car and from my car to wherever else and that’s the extent of the sunlight I get.
It is hot, but my workplace is freezing cold with the AC, so either I sweat to death toting a sweatshirt to work or shiver my buns off for nine hours.
Heyyyy we in the same town! This heat is unbelievable, and yesterday was possibly the hottest I've ever felt. I almost cried happy tears when it started to rain a few hours ago!
Here in Austin it’s been over 100 all last week. We apparently have a “cold front” coming in, meaning temps are in the 90s, haha. I’ll take it. Yesterday when I walked home from work it was 102 but felt like 112 with the humidity. Fucking awful.
Knowing me and my fascination with death I’d be like my death party is full Victorian Wake Goth Party. And after I’m dead you all will be required to take post-mortem pictures with my body. First in tradtional Victorian style, then you can do Weekend At Bernies.
NO! They have the best ice cream!
I have bad news for you: palmetto bugs is just a pretty euphemism for cockroaches.
After his little display of banging on the dock, shouting sieg heil, making a nazi salute, and then singing some kind of fascist song she said ‘We’re all very impressed. Take him down.’ (Take him down meaning take him back to the cells btw) Which is the most dead pan and condescending response possible and makes him…
So, I’m Gwen Snyder, the woman in the article. It was a pretty awful experience and my biggest hope is to use it to make some sort of positive change at the DNC and at the Doubletree, which refused to help me. I do have a couple asks if folks want to take action:
Couldn’t happen to a nicer pedo.
Last month, I made a public challenge to Donald Trump, which I will repeat here: If he or either of his sons will…
It drives me up the wall. I had things like reduced lunch as a kid, and now, guess what? I am a college-educated citizen with a job, who pays taxes, contributes to society, and serves in the military. You know what would have made all that impossible? Not being able to think in school because I was so hungry. So for…
CNN’s coverage has really been abjectly terrible. Nearly every panel is 6 or 7 people deep with all but one representing fairly sane and reasonable positions and then one Trump supporter on to say something fucking insane that everyone else then has to respond to.
The feline version of Janice from Accounting.