Special Circumstances

As a comedian once said, his bank charged him $15 since he only had $20 in the bank. But the bank paid another customer $15 for having $1,500 in his account. Poor have to pay bank fees for not having enough money. They pay astronomical interest fees to finance a car or emergencies. If toilet paper costs more, it's

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

The NRA does not serve gun owners.
The NRA serves gun makers.
Gun makers must be allowed to sell as many guns as possible with no consequence.
Gun owners are the commodity the NRA trades in, promoting and feeding them to the gun makers.
Never trust the NRA.
Never trust gun makers.

My whole day is derailed by this article existing.

On the other hand...

Some guys will always find a way to make it about who a woman’s supposedly sleeping with. See also gamer-gate.

They can get rid of Colonel Mustard before Mrs. White.

It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.

:::looks around:::

I suppose. It’s a bit foreign to me. I can accept my negatives, and still be a good person. I need to work on my negatives, and make restitution for my wrongs, but they don’t define me.

I like that you acknowledge that she’s not his clay to shape into his vision of a perfect woman. She is her own person, with her own path. I think rather than simply loving her, he should be looking at what he loves about her, and is he being rational about it. He has some deep seated beliefs about what he wants, and

I’m not sure what kind of answer “Drowning” was looking for asking someone relationship advice who 1)does not share the same faith convictions or 2)ascribes to a “whatever feels good/works for you philosophy” or 3) isn’t even a doctor.

I’m wondering whether the first reader will be receptive to your advice. It’s rather hard to take, because it may seem like you’re asking him to set aside how he was raised and what his tradition is. None of us let that stuff go lightly. Dr. Nerdlove, you provided the vinegar. I’m going to provide something else.

Hasan, Roy Williams jr, Jordan Klepper, Dedi lydic and the girl who does the politcal commentary.... she is great. I want more of her. Also Ronny Chieng!

Savage. She showed just how stupid and uninformed the bernie or bust crowd is. People pretending that they have integrity when really it’s just personal and sour grapes. This is the magnificent group that loves to tell you how to vote. What a bunch of fucking clowns.

Bernie wasn’t even a fucking democrat until just a short time before he decided that the year the woman, was running was his one chance to try out a presidential campaign. Of course the DNC wasn’t paying him as much attention - he was new to the party. He had all the time he wanted to learn how things ran, the rules

PLAY OF THE MEME: Walder Frey unknowingly eating his own sons. I except ten million South Park mashups by this time tomorrow.