Clashing colors?! No. Magenta and turquoise live together in harmony, you craprabbit! Learn to use a color wheel.
Right? I have no problem with the “look at the funny thing this kid wrote on an essay” type venting between teachers. One of my old teachers used to read us ridiculous things former students had written (names removed and all 4+ years old) to help lighten the mood in class and show us pitfalls to avoid in our own…
i’m going to re-post my reply to everyone who think these teachers’ comments are ok:
So expressing a desire to physically harm a child under your care and calling them fucking idiots is totes cool?
You know, if it were just teachers making sarcastic, exasperated remarks and blowing off steam, I would think nothing of it. But to refer to children as fucking idiots and hope they fail—while being part of the group that can actually make that happen—goes too far. I had a teacher who had it out for in 7th grade and…
I have no problem believing that she, or anyone else, is obnoxious, but her behavior seems minor compared to people like Sean Penn, Roman Polanski, Charlie Sheen, etc. who got/get chance after chance.
This is unnecessarily mean. She went on Howard Stern and was lovely. She admitted to all her bad decision making and the backlash it caused. I think the press loved to hate her. She’s paid the price. Her career is ruined. Enough already.
I would like to point out that Speaker Ryan also called a vote on the repeal of the fiduciary standard yesterday, also during the sit-in. The fiduciary standard is the proposal from the White House, set to take effect in a couple years, requiring financial advisors to give their clients advice that is in their…
Only correct take on the subject.
Jason, please allow me to say here what I’ve been meaning to say on so many other articles:
When his dog walked up to him, I was literally like ‘Come on, I’m supposed to believe that sweet face is going to bite anyone’ That was not the face of a dog thinking ‘i’m going to eat your face’ that was more of a ‘hey man what’s up, I see you have some jam on your face, I can totally help you with that’
I would put cold hard cash on Cersei trying to burn down the Sept with the High Sparrow, the Faith Militant, Margaery Tyrell, and a bunch of commoners in it.....and accidentally killing Tommen instead. If the Seven smile upon us, the Tyrells will escape with Ser Pounce to High Garden.
I may be off base here, but to me it played like Dany just wasn’t familiar with that particular gesture. She looks confused more than anything, and Tyrion pantomimes sticking out his hand in response.
Like I texted my friend last night after it aired “this is the best episode of the entire series and I never want to see it again.”
Why was the Carthaginian v Rome phalanx tactic “cowardly”? Just a smart move.
I think I finally understand why this show and ASOIAF in general has been so brutal to women: so that when they inevitably take over the world, it will be the most satisfying conclusion ever.