Special Circumstances

Update: lady sees wolf, runs and gets lost for 12 hours. Hears a bear growl, runs again, finds her car, makes up excitingly implausible story.

Off topic, but I love your username. Keep on burnernating the countryside and the peasants, dragon-man!

THIS is the argument I’ve had with those who I consider NOT my friends (also know as the “An AR doesn’t do that much damage” cuntbags). I work in Emergency Medicine and believe me, If I had to (touch wood) be shot with a gun and a choice, I’d go handgun/pistol all the way. That’s repairable (mostly; unless someone has

Why is there so much hate towards the vape community? I have several family members that were told if they didn’t quite smoking they would die within 10 years. Now that they’ve switched to vaping their health has drastically improved and even the doctors have told them that. Is it really all that bad that people want

Sansa, I know. You are super high queenly and shit.

I’ve been following politics for a long time and I have never ever seen people care so much about the “party platform.” No President in either party has stuck to it, and the massive amount of effort it takes to pass any signature legislation means that many planks will be dropped, whether they’re originally her own or

You say that like someone who placed a spy camera in Drew’s fuck den. Which if you have, the smoke alarm is mine. Your EMI is screwing with my equipment.

His first poem will be entitled “Snow”.

I hope so. And that he ends up as poet in residence in a happy Winterfell.


...and super assholes who decided the whole thing was a “false flag” and have spent the years since harassing the parents of those kids trying to get them to tell “the truth” about what “really happened”.

She’s not mocking prayers, she’s deriding people who offer up prayers and do nothing else. Or, to quote the scripture passage that she referenced: “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” (James 2:17)

Brienne IS Sansa’s sword.

Davos is so bad ass and has some great lines. But taking over in a coup, even a bloodless one, is just so not his style. He is an advisor not a ruler. And he believes in justice and honor, and is humble. Which is why we all love him. But I agree that would be an interesting place to take the story because he is just

Have you read the books? GRRM states in a prelude how the timelines aren’t supposed to sync up. Even though the stories are told at the same time, some characters stories might be over the period of months while others are just days. It upsets me as well, but I try to not over think it and just enjoy the story.

If Davos dies I am out. OUT I SAY.

That discussion is for the consideration of non-violent offenders. Not for rapists. Is your comment a joke? Am I missing something?

Now playing

Yeah I see a bit of resemblance too, between Marsay and Fonda.

In the books he escaped the castle and became an outlaw so I’m thinking BWB too.

Boners: NONE! No boning!!