Special Circumstances

That was a 10/10 burn. Would read it again.

Free 10 doll hairs is 10 free doll hairs

... and it doesn’t occur to you that the common use of “girls” as a term to refer to grown women might possibly, just perhaps, be something more than a meaningless coincidence that has nothing at all to do with the way women are infantilized in our culture?

You missed my favorite part of the Trump speech, where after he talked about how he was going to bring everyone together, he ended with “We will respect and defend Christian Americans. Christian. Americans.”

Yeah but what did you think of the latest season of Doctor Who?

Agreed. It’s gotten ridiculous. To quote someone I know on tumblr when discussing women bashing other women for liking popular or feminine things:

I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.

“Girls” is pretty much just the feminine version of “guys”...I bet these dudes refer to men as “guys” just as much as they refer to women as “girls”.

Dudes writing for a woman...

Welcome. Here you will feel that you are part of a community of like minded peers, supported in your common values and aspirations for society. You will be encouraged, upheld and affirmed, and will grow in your self confidence, as the intuitions that have tugged at your conscience for some time develop into full blown

There goes my appetite and I now need to bleach my brain to get rid of the mental image that headline caused.

Blood coming out of wherever?

Well i’m burning some calories since the idea of Trump’s magic sauce has me off eating for the next several days, Thanks Laura!

The last time I did it, the resulting abomination opened a bunch of hotels and casinos, had their company go bankrupt multiple times, and then entered politics.

This is an entirely different article that should be written. If you are in your 20s, you should not be allowed to make your bridesmaids/groomsmen pay out the etc for your wedding.

There first show that came to mind is Agents of SHIELD with Maurissa Tancharoen as a show runner and is killing it in diversity with actors too. More shows need to follow their lead.

Sorry for the long windedness, but as someone who spent 2 years sober in AA, then spent the last 2 years drinking and am now trying to get sober again (4 days) I speak from experience. AA has a lot of plus sides. If you are struggling with addiction and don’t know where to go I HIGHLY recommend you start there. For

My birthday is in May. Please make sure I’m a “pefect size 6" in the picture and that the lighting really captures my “golden blonde locks” and “Aquamarine eyes”