

This is straight up distressing.

1) I know this cafe’s terrible. Really. So bad.

Culture is dead.

A) Why does Bieber always have an “I just pooped in my pants” look on his face

HaHaHa! I kid! I kid! We’re all friends here.

There is nothing ruder than making EVERYONE at your table sit around with dirty plates in front of them because you want to chew every bite 150x before swallowing, take 10 minutes between each bite and generally act like you are the only one whose time is of any value. It is an insufferable kind of entitlement. Dining

You made me spit diet coke all over my keyboard.

I would do this in an instant. However, my country of residence doesn’t have a paired donation program. They’re doing feasibility tests, but it’s not on the immediate horizon. Such a bummer.

No. Because everyone, with very few exception, goes through the same national system. Public schooling is far from the norm. There’s only something like ten boarding schools (of note) in the entire country. The curriculum in the national schools are the same, and the standard is pretty high. So, your place in Uni

I turned down a post-doc there for exactly that reason. I’m much happier in a top-tier Irish university that values merit and good research over family connections and wealth.


Yeah. Kinda. Except she pulled some shady shit in the divorce proceedings, so I’m gonna stay firmly #teamnobody on this one. They both seem kind of horrible.

Unlike the States, our conservatives tend to speak with their votes rather than their mouths. I think this vote is going to be a lot closer than people think, which is scary.

The NO Campaign is being heavily subsidized by right-wing American groups, who are bringing a lot of their right-wing political tactics with them. Also, people like Dr Patricia Casey, who is a senior consultant of psychiatry for the HSE (and member of the ultra-conservative Iona Institute) have been publishing op-ed

Good. Cosmic comeuppance. No sympathy for the Devil, bitches.

DO IT! Seriously! You’ll feel better physically and you can be smug and self-satisfied and know that you are doing some small part in minimizing the suffering the of Earth and its inhabitants.

This is like next-level LiLo as Elizabeth Taylor type comedy gold.

Ha! I can’t. Telling tales out of school (and naming names) could seriously fuck me down the line.
