Cultural Vacuum

All “real baby” dolls are at least a little bit weird and creepy, but do you have the same over-the-top prudish reaction to realistic human baby genitals? I mean . . . the whole point is to make the dolls realistic, so they have all the parts that real babies have. Why does that seem so bizarre to you? Wouldn’t it be

All she had to do was just exchange foods without charging, and she would have been fine. As soon as she started charging for her wares, she stepped over the line and it’s right that the authorities stepped in. Honestly, even if she goes to trial and loses spectacularly, I very much doubt that the prosecutor will

Since most bake sales are run by non-profits or churches as fundraisers, they can probably wiggle through a loophole . . . something like, the cash that changes hands is a donation, and the cakes and cookies are just there for folks to enjoy after they’ve made their donation. I’ve even seen groups that seem to be

That overpriced water bottle is just painted stainless steel, not “made of marble.” There’s a ton of other designs of the same basic bottle at the exact same price on the site . . .

“the millions of consumers who claimed that the lip balm left rashes and blisters on their face”

At least you didn’t go with the ridiculous and exaggerated “Disturbing Reddit History” headline that the Daily Beast put on this story, but it’s still shitty, mean-spirited reporting of non-news about a non-public figure. You should feel at least a little bit ashamed about printing it.

That’s what it was before the conversion. They needed it to make more money, I think.

Where exactly does the line between seriously lame cosplay and straight up glamour photography get drawn? Wherever the line is, these girls are on the non-cosplay side in this image.

I liked how you acknowledged that this information couldn’t be seen as predictive or descriptive for any specific location, and then proceeded to do exactly that by saying things like, “How often will I encounter Mr. Mime?”

I think you may have left off the link . . .

Aw, that’s so adorable that you think I’m a millennial. Of course it’s a totally insignificant piece of information that has been shared, and Dear Ivanka has not experienced any suffering because of it, micro or otherwise. When you’re a business you want to draw lines in the sand about that shit, though, because lots

This is the fucking spiral, right here. No one actually pays for their own EpiPens, so they don’t really have any consciousness of the expense, so the company just jacks up the price repeatedly because it CAN (those justifications are about the most pathetic/transparent I’ve ever seen . . . we added features!), but

There’s no question a Trump election would be a disaster for the country, and I’m super-thankful that it’s looking less and less possible as the days go by. That doesn’t make what this company did any less obnoxious, self-interested, and customer-unfriendly. It’s cute that you think Ivanka would not only read this,

Thanks so much for your order! It gave us an awesome excuse to release the details about a customer’s purchases while at the same time grandstanding and building publicity for our brand!

Rio is absolutely notorious for the number and the “quality” of its sex workers, and I’ve had multiple people who have visited there tell me stories of meeting gorgeous women, thinking they’re just getting along great, and then finding out the woman was actually a pro. I’ll bet there was some kind of shady,

WTF, is this Rocky Horror . . . are you supposed to do something with your wands while watching, like gesture along with the spells?

Your cousin is clearly mental.

What a surprise, that this is still one of the top trending stories related to the Olympics on the site four days after you posted it! “Isn’t it unfortunate that women are being exposed by this camera? See the shocking evidence right here, right now!!” Disingenuous bullshit.

Given the fact that this water is probably extremely chlorinated, it is more likely that the green tint comes from a combination of copper in the water and a high pH than from algae. If they get the pH in balance, add some chemicals and run the filtration system like crazy it shoild clear up.

It has been the most downloaded for the iPhone for the past month, and near the top for the iPad as well, but I was specifically talking about the fact that it’s also been at the top of the separate “Top Grossing” chart on iTunes for pretty much the same amount of time.

And? That’s a completely different problem. If you’re not in a big city, there’s going to be a pretty decent percentage of gyms that don’t turn over that quickly, and with the way the game works currently, *taking* (or training up) gyms is way more important than holding on to them after you’re done.

Also, I live in a