Cultural Vacuum

They must have done a massive casting call for that movie, because I actually tried to audition for it as well in Connecticut. My friend and I spent a combined three minutes being interviewed . . . neither of us looked like either Holmes or Watson as they were described, and we were just way too obviously American.

Not only is this story *nothing* like the two you reference, but in the universe where it takes place, “re-sleeving” consciousness into other bodies is just everyday technology, not something strange and revolutionary that ends up as the whole focus of the story.

Seems like a really weird choice having the old man

That’s not very nimble betting work, actually, more just lucky. With his score, and his two opponents tied and forced to go all in, the sensible thing to do is bet nothing.

Who told you that a sucker punch required that it be coming from behind “from an unknown assailant”? Straight-up punching someone who has no idea they’re in a physical confrontation before they get punched definitely fits every definition I’ve seen.

Personally I don’t think there’s any way he could have been unaware this was happening, which almost makes me think he did it on purpose. This wasn’t “the last few meters of the race,” he was hanging out of his shorts for over a minute, and I can’t believe he didn’t feel the breeze.

The nostalgia for this movie makes about as much sense to me as the nostalgia people feel for *Full House*. It’s like the fact that the movie/show is actual garbage is completely irrelevant, as long as it pushes right, “Ha, remember that!” button.

There was actually a theater in Bridgeport, CT that just did exactly that in a double-cast show that ran on alternating nights. One cast was all male, one cast was all female, the script was the same. Didn’t get a chance to see any of the performances, but heard about it because the daughter of a family friend was in

Wait, do you really think Splatoon “invented” that kind of splat graphic? The kind that’s been part of Nickelodeon marketing for literally decades?

Or, you know, they could just be local workers hired to do jobs it’s not worth importing Americans to do . . .

Can anyone explain why we have almost 3 times as many diplomats in Russia as Russia has here in the U.S.?

I once had a boss in her late 50s who was strangely proud of the fact that she had never eaten pie. I brought a genuinely amazing apple/rhubarb/mulberry pie I had made to work one time to share with the office and she wouldn’t even try a bite.

We did in this in the old gym system, too. It was just harder, because of the need to open up spaces through prestiging, and you couldn’t see them all at the same time for fun screenshots.

There’s no reason to think he made the decision suddenly because of the handshake stunt. It was something he promised to do as part of his campaign, and it makes all three parts of the coalition that really got him elected happy: the Breitbart internet ideologue contingent, the disgruntled white rust-belt workers in

“Magic wall”? Seriously, that’s how you refer to one of Judaism’s holiest sites?

There are real, substantive stories about this administration, and real, substantive reasons to oppose Trump, his policies, and his enablers in Congress and the general public. Focusing your attention on whether or not Melania wants to

The only reason mapping works is because of the same hacking, bots and geo-location spoofing that more aggressive cheaters use on their actual accounts.

Gymhuntr only works because of the same kind of bots/spoofing that create the Poke maps, though. It doesn’t necessarily give you any functional advantage in the game to use the site, the way that tracker maps do, but it’s definitely using bot accounts to collect the data, which includes details like the actual IVs of

The game is still probably being played by more people around the world than any other mobile game, is still apparently making money from both users and sponsors, and is establishing a template for how to make AR games work both logistically and financially on a scale that no one else has come close to. The idea that

Cute scare quotes in your headline, but however shocking this might be to you, using bots and third-party software that logs in to your account is *actually* cheating, and has always been considered cheating by Niantic. The only way that tracker maps work is by using the exact same tricks and techniques that

Shows like this and the the vast array of other psychic and ghost-hunting “reality” programs genuinely make me angry. The people who make them are 100% aware of the fact that they’re fabricated or just plain nonsense, and yet they just keep pumping them out and raising the profile of these scam artists to make a quick

In the UK and UK-influenced countries the closest equivalent to heavy cream is double cream. Basically as much butterfat content as you can get while still remaining a liquid.