
He knows *exactly* who he was talking about.

I love how all the 40 year old never-faggot-saying-truthers are in complete defensive mode, just like the boston-racists they mock for doing the same denials.

Yes, everyone in the Deadspin comment section was a saint when they were 14.

I’ll give you that in today’s game Trout excels, but he wouldn’t have lasted a minute back in 1998 when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table. 

Idiot Coach supports idiot players who support teammates under investigation for a heinous act. Former idiot Coach throws hissy fit about university supporting the rights of the victim over the beloved football program.

“They haven’t lost since Thanksgiving weekend.”

2016 is the weirdest year ever and this proves it. Huge money for a closer, who was traded from a rebuilding Yankees team to the world champion Cubs and then signed by the Yankees again, who plan on being under the luxury tax relatively soon. Wtf?

I know when the song was made and when it was made the national anthem, thanks for the fact check. The anthem is about the principles that our country is founded upon, that’s why it was written.

You’re right. Its disrespectful to all citizens of the United States. Not standing for the anthem that our country is founded on.

This is what Donald Trump says every time he looks at his polling numbers among African-Americans.

Do they get the $10 credit for joining each other?

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

I as at the game and the umpire didn’t even consider tossing him. Miguel single-handedly left about 7 men stranded on base over the course of the eight innings I watched. I got my 1991 World Series commemorative beer stein, though.

That’s some Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball shit right there.

Nobody’s done more for the popularity of baseball in the past 3o years than this guy.