
I don’t believe in labeling myself a liberal but I have been called a liberal by more than a few friends but can someone legitimately explain to me how you can actually believe this is extremely hypocritical of ESPN ? I never agreed with any of the firings ESPN has gone through for political comments from right wing

Faith......gotta have it


 I don’t get why people can’t understand that most people who are saying things along the lines of “ they’re stealing our jobs” are referring to illegals. It’s either the inability to comprehend the difference or people flat out lying just knowingly not acknowledging the difference between legal and illegal people .

Yeah there you go, over generalize all trump supporters as racists ......the irony .......I hate deadspin commenters so much sometimes

Sitting during the national anthem because a guy won a election requires a apology to someone though.

Well they are playing representing the US sooooooooooo they probably should stand for the anthem . You have a problem with America ? They don’t play, seems pretty simple.

Yup, because it completely likely that most cops murder minorities like it were a sport. Keep pushing the lie! Ugh, the fucking ignorance you see on dead spin is so frustrating. I use to consider myself pretty liberal until I started seeing the comment on stories on gawker and dead spin.

I don’t really appreciate a soccer match tearing up a baseball field. I get the outrage was bullshit. Play your shitty sport at a local park or high school next time

I’m going to disagree with you so I’ll automatically be slammed as a caveman and whatever else you want to call me because you sure to appear to be the kind of person that whines about a lot based on this article but I don’t think you are paying attention to much. i have noticed the word retard being censored out of