
This should not be in the greys 

Print journalism being replaced with fucktard memes on Facebook. Helluva market correction. 

“Not really”

What a stupid fucking idea. MLB needs fewer teams, not more. 

All of those being scams doesn’t make this not a scam

I remember hearing about this yearsss ago and thinking how cool it looked. But it was basically a huge scam? Wow. 

Why does that matter, and how does that make it fake news? 

They went somewhere with the intent of killing some animals, so it seems perfectly fair for some animals to end up killing them no? 

My feelings are unaffected. Calling it a Tolkein knockoff is moronic, though

Your take is lame. 

Wow how Christian of him 

Dan Katz is a few rungs on the sociopath ladder under the rest of these clowns, but he still fucking sucks. I quit listening to Pardon My Take because of what an unfunny mouthbreathing dipshit he is. 

Pepe is such a piece of shit

Scat porn. Definitely scat porn.

The good ole days...

I hate your father-in-law. He sounds a good bit like my ex-father-in-law.

Welp, Portnoy’s little obsession with you sure is pretty fucking weird. He sounds like an 8th grader, and has probably stalked every ex-girlfriend he’s ever had.

Had to stop reading after the first five or so. Yikes.

I don’t doubt that they went there to troll. What I don’t understand is why they won’t own up to it now. Seems pretty chickenshit

Your commentary/defining on cultural appropriation has helped me to understand the concept a lot better. Thank you!