Which would be better for college athletics how exactly? Let’s come up with something better than you taking your ball and going home by telling these players to fuck off to Europe, eh?
Which would be better for college athletics how exactly? Let’s come up with something better than you taking your ball and going home by telling these players to fuck off to Europe, eh?
Fuck the superbowl halftime show
I still play my FIFA ‘15 career mode file (now on my 10th season as the manager of Arsenal!) as just mindless fun when I don’t have much time to spare to really get into a game. How’s the career/GM mode in this? Has EA pretty much let that fall by the wayside?
About how many hours does the Journey take to complete?
I like how he’s too much of a coward to just come right out and directly state his bigoted beliefs. “I don’t necessarily think that’d be a great thing”....wtf kind of craven tortured semantics is that? Just fuckin say it, loser!
I like how even after getting punched in the face, the dude doesn’t stand up.
I am not the punchee’s age and didn’t think he was “an old man” either. Pretty misleading title!
Wait, was that Ramza and Delita from Tactics in the first little opening screenshot for the trailer? They feature in the story for this?
Zach Hample singlehandedly almost makes me never want to watch baseball again.
You are an enormous dumbshit.
Because such things are, when you get right to it, just words on paper and there can be no governing (at least not very good governing anyway) without the consent of the governed? Who are we to say California HAS to be a part of ‘Merica if every Californian doesn’t want to be? I tend to believe that California being a…
Yeah, it’s pretty hard to see how Madrid could have possibly bungled this any worse.
The only people more moronic and worthless than Trump himself might be those two mongrel idiot sons of his.
I have come from the future to tell you that they will all go to jail.
In the speech, written by Stephen Miller
Sure, they can’t be wrong, but they can be disingenuous, uninformative, and/or bullshit. You’re kind of just arguing semantics there.
Came for the DACA, stayed for the Trump nicknames. Works of art, each one.
What a fucking weirdo.
Where are the reviews for the three episodes between episode 6 and this one? Goddam, I hate avclub getting Kinja-fied.
Hmm, I’m in a similar boat, I guess? I followed the NFL quite closely in middle school and high school. I was a Falcons fan, but could name the starting qb of every team in the league and was pretty up-to-date of what was going on in the league and with most of the teams week to week. Fast forward ten years, and I…