I am a shy and neurotic bitch, constantly fearful of rejection by my peers, who would genuinely prefer people not remember me than remember me for the wrong reasons
I am a shy and neurotic bitch, constantly fearful of rejection by my peers, who would genuinely prefer people not remember me than remember me for the wrong reasons
I usually lay in bed with one leg straight and the other bent, which creates a little triangle of space between my legs. A few minutes after assuming this position my cat will jump up and snuggles into that spot, where she stays most of the night. It’s the best.
Pretty sure this trailer included just about every gruesome death and plot twist. srsly, why do trailers do this?? Not that I’d necessarily go out of my way to see this movie regardless.
Hmmm. My commute to gradschool is about 90-100 minutes on the train and bus, I’m usually getting up around 6 to make it to an 8 am class. I eat overnight oats (a jar filled with oatmeal, milk, and various toppings like chopped fruit) with a spoon during my commute. I do bring a napkin and my spoon is a little travel…
I definitely want more space (I’m currently living with my bf and cat in a 600 sq ft apartment) but I find the idea of a smaller home very attractive. I could imagine myself being quite comfy in a 2bd 1 bath home, around 1000 sq ft. I could probably even do 1 bedroom, but I really like the idea of my bf and I having…
I don’t know if 27 is old, but if it is..... I’d say that old people have a LOT of fun on acid.
This is a major reason I don’t have any intention of having kids. Well, and I was an environmental science undergrad, who decided to leave the field because it was constantly, terribly, depressing. I have very little faith that we are going to be able to get out of this trap we’ve walked into, and even if we manage to…
I don’t think I’d take pre-natals necessarily, since they are likely more expensive and you’ll be paying for things that aren’t related to your hair. There are some vitamins out there that are for hair/nail health. But as with all supplements, I’d recommend just looking at your diet first. Look and see what is in the…
Ok so, I didn’t confuse the B hole with my V hole. Obviously. But, I was having sex and we were going at it and everything was relaxed and slippery and he definitely accidentally fully penetrated the b hole for a few strokes. He only realized after I was like ‘uhhhh so are we gonna talk about this?’ and stopped…
.......hellooooo ;)
I’m fighting back tears on the bus and as I walk through campus. it’s eerily quiet here, in CA at a university where most of the students are minorities. people are silently walking, or speaking quietly about the results. I saw some women hugging each other on a bench and it made me feel sad and lonely. all of my best…
I don’t get the potluck hate AT ALL. But, I’ve never been to a potluck with loads and loads of people I don’t know. To me potlucks usually involve 5-20 friends or family. Who I enjoy being around. And who doesn’t like cooking for their friends and family? Cooking = love!
We see 1 cockroach every 3-6 months in our apt here in LA. I think it flies in from the ceiling hole over our oven. It’s infrequent enough, but terrifying every time. The last time this happened I saw it fly down, which was horrible because I hadn’t realized they can fly before. I was also buzzing my boyfriend’s head…
I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets acid munchies. Most people I know can’t eat while partaking. The best acid food is I’ve found is this ricotta and fried eggplant pizza from a local za joint (Just have to remember to put in the order early when you can still operate a phone). Sure it requires planning and lots of…
Sorry, this song and video are BOOOOORING. And this is coming from someone who liked ‘we found love’ a lot, and who also tends to enjoy the current style of chill summer house jamz. Total waste of Rihanna.
Kind of! My current boyfriend was still really close with his first gf, who cheated on him and they broke up a few years before we got together. By the time we had gotten together they had been ‘just friends’ for a couple of years. I was definitely threatened by their friendship. I was in a fairly new relationship…
I know I’m late to the party, but I totally get where you’re coming from! I have had a whole bunch of trouble losing weight, even ramping up my exercise quite a bit. Short people problems I guess. My eyes are bigger than my stomach, and I hate forcing myself to eat half of what my boyfriend eats just to maintain.…
Jezebel, you need to stop. My boyfriend and I are VERY HAPPY. Stop making me have intense nether feelings for matt mcgorry. I get it, he’s wonderful and woke and perfect and symmetrical and um nvm I’m leaving my bf. YOU HOMEWRECKERS
That was my very first exposure to Prince, when I was 7! I still remember watching it in my living room and thinking he was wonderful and wondering if I could have a shape instead of a name too.
yeah, I’m hoping that I get the hang of brushes soon. And omg your drawing, those ears!