
Diskwiss has seen fit to devour my initial response as if it were delicious salmon swimming upriver. I Googled it. I'm more intrigued by your pic. Whence it came?

An intensive, exhaustive Googling session. You two are adorable and pretend I was never here. After these posts, I mean.

This ongoing comments section is one of the most delightfully insane things on the internet, and I want to sincerely thank you both for making this art.

Boy, I can't wait to hear all that dialogue in glorious 70mm!

Starting with the New Testament!

Counterpoint: this was a fun film.

First Mate: Lord of the Seamen


I like Desolation.

Nice,man. Maybe she's a real maverick, you silly goose.

All six Middle Earth films, King Kong, and The Lovely Bones? She's batting .500, so this could go either way.

Dada has his own club?

That is the exact argument that convinced me I hold significantly different views from those of the author.

Hey, there was a voting thing. I just did a democracy!

I'm sorry, I don't see tails in terms of color.

What a load of poo doo.

I stopped reading at the part in defense of Hayden Christensen. Where did you stop?

I'm a bear!

You should try Dong.

I look forward to the Zune reboot in 30 years.