
I hear you, but these days anything that reminds the world that Nazis were the bad guys and punching them is ok gets a pass by me.

I love these kind of shows, to bad it is not on HBO like the others. I am not buying another streaming service. It is getting ridiculous and you just have to say no no matter what these other new streaming services are offering. Just have to go without it.

Oh my god, I’ve been to Thriller! Live, and it is legitimately terrible in all ways—as a tribute, as a musical revue, as a dance musical. We went because the tickets were free and it’s one of the few West End shows that was playing on a Sunday. But we would have been better off spending our time pretty much anywhere

“Man, people are not responding well to our Michael Jackson musical. We should have gone with our first choice: Gary Glitter.”

Google Alert Greys in full force. Same thing happens when you talk shit about Johnny Depp on Twitter. I pity them because I remember the good times too. And that music was fuckin’ killer. “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” has lit up many a wedding dancefloor. But it’s time.


Yeah, but he didn’t get to take all that money to Hell with him did he? lol

I continue to listen to music produced by Phil Spector on a weekly basis. Doesn’t mean I respect him as a human being by an means.

Reading this helps put this show into context in a way the trailers haven’t. Also I’m not sure that Watchmen is the best universe to set this in. Having a show that examines police vs racism vs terrorists should be a spiritual successor to something like the Wire not a sequel to a comic that featured a blue naked

I view MJ basically the same way I view Cosby. I grew up on both. I remember listening to my parent’s comedy albums and finding Cosby. I also remember buying the Thriller lp and loving it. I can love the music or comedy, but fuck both of them for what it appears that they did.

Maybe well-fitted clothes are his incognito outfit?

It had a fucking dance sequence! And I WANTED to hate it, but couldn’t.

I’ll give it a go. Clerks 2 was far better than it had any right to be.

I would’ve married her.

God, this movie’s a gift.

“ But it still feels tangential to me is all. Alfred is one of those characters that has a deep history that... doesn’t feel needed to delve into.”

The original was damn near perfect. It was fast paced, and never tried to make the premise complicated. I’m cautiously optimistic about this, but if anyone can ruin it, it’s Jesse Eisenberg, he’s become pretty insufferable.

When the first one came out I took my girlfriend to see Zombieland and she had no idea who Bill Murray was. We ended up breaking up later that night due to other reason but I should have known something was up when she asked who the ghostbuster guy was.

I know it doesn’t preclude something from being it’s own kind of good, but I just immediately lose interest now whenever we get “comic book side character or setting gets it’s own thing” type show.