That doesn’t really answer the question of how she acquired thousands of online followers in the first place, rather than any other model. But then internet fame has always been a mystery to me.
That doesn’t really answer the question of how she acquired thousands of online followers in the first place, rather than any other model. But then internet fame has always been a mystery to me.
Wow, Woody Allen has aged terribly.
Ask for signatures and/or selfies.
It’s one of those neologisms that makes sense in print, but doesn’t lend itself to verbal pronounciation in real life. (Rhymes with minx?)
Although, you could have said that about ‘LGBT’ and that one caught on, so who knows...
False. Ben Affleck has never been cool.
I look forward to seeing your proposals for building a large organisation in which sexual harassment, assaults and resulting cover-ups don’t occur, because we haven’t been able to come up with one yet.
I think the thing is, three hours is a long time to sit through something if you don’t know if you’ll like it. Things like The Lord of the Rings movies, audiences had a pretty good idea if they would enjoy them (at least after the first one, but even from the action-filled trailers). Titanic and Avatar were likewise…
Ryan Gosling has to be at least second least appealing, though. Does he even have fans? I know there was a ‘woke Ryan Gosling’ meme a few years ago, but I thought that was mostly ironic.
Is it so hard to believe they didn’t know? Whenever a story like this comes out, people start talking about an ‘open secret’ that everybody knew, but there are always many people who didn’t. I mean, that’s the evil thing about an ‘open secret’ - it assumes everyone shares knowledge that they actually don’t. Who would…
I’ve been watching this (it’s already started airing in the UK). Like most compilation shows, it’s a mixed bag: some of the stories are better than others, and though the writers have done their bit to try to bring them up to date, it all feels a little old-fashioned. It doesn’t have anything like the wit or…
What I want to know is, does Kinja have spoiler tags? Because if so, I haven’t figured out how to do it yet.
You don’t really have to see the first one. Unless you’re a particular fan of Eddie Redmayne, or CGI.
“What makes somebody who writes for the Times a “real” critic, while people on Twitter who have read thoroughly and thought deeply about the genre are fans?”
Weirdly enough, lawn darts were never banned in Europe (AFAIK), only in the US and Canada. A friend had a set at a recent wedding. Like many toys, they *can* be dangerous, and I certainly wouldn’t allow kids to play with them unsupervised, but they’re harmless enough if no one acts like an idiot.
*weary sigh*...
That’s really all I can say about this. What is it with Youtube/Internet celebrities and turning out to be assholes?
It’s been a while since I’d watched this series, but I used to quite like them. Oh well.
How does the line go... “I’m just like Oskar Schindler, we both made shells for the Nazis, only mine worked, dammit!”
Yeah... they might do the character eventually, but that backstory is just a bit too comic-booky. Or more importantly, Vision and Ultron are already being used by the MCU movies and won’t show up here.
Also: boy, this series *has* killed off a lot of its cast, hasn’t it? And unlike other comics, they usually stay…
*Raises hand* I’m going to be the annoying one who didn’t like ‘The Nice Guys’. It didn’t help that I came to it following massive praise from places like this; but I found it just an awfully generic and not particularly funny action movie, with nothing much to recommend it. Heck, I barely remember anything about it…
Great picture. That strip made me think for a moment The Punisher was created to be a pisstake of Rorschach, although it’s more like the other way around.
I always thought he had a kind of skeeviness about him, but maybe that was just due to his stupid haircuts.