Yeah this should revolve your guilt about being a home wrecking slut!.good luck
Yeah this should revolve your guilt about being a home wrecking slut!.good luck
How bout a realtor or classified ads dumbass
Aww u poor thing!
Yeah no one is charting your one gives a shit honey grow up
You’re a fuckin nutjob obviously
Fuck you !he hesitated big fucking deal.we ain’t robots u fucking cunts
So why r u bitching about him?you sound like a cunt and he sounds like a fucking pussy
Yeah guess what ,no one gives a shit!!
Jesus give her some makeup tips!Or if u did have someone else do it
I basically think I’m blowing the teaching demo,
STFU please
Hmm just like u it sounds like
No ur the only one in the world who has to deal with this
Dont go because no one speaks English anywhere in the world!Dam ur fucking stupid
Yeah quit fucking whining about it and deal with it
Wow 2 whole days went by? Jesus insecure much?
Yeah you’re fucked!!
No but I’m sure some random people on the internet will be able to diagnose you!!Dumb fuck
You are pumping milk while drinking same thing you stupid fucking moron
Who the fuck is so sick every week?I’m trying to help her!