Wow u really do sound like u r dumb as fuck. No wonder he dumped u
Wow u really do sound like u r dumb as fuck. No wonder he dumped u
Yea u sound like a fucking nutjob
You were probably a shitty lay!
Yea I’m sure your pregnancy>Alzheimer’s.Dumbfuck
Damm u got some guy to fuck u? Must be black
Wow u walk everyday??You should be so proud!
Way to make it all about you .You selfish bitch
Aww white people problems!
If I knew my daughter was a prostitute ID be in the hospital too! You did this to him
But you took the money and now u don’t want to pay it wonder this country is in such debt.Deadbeats like u!
Do everyone a favor and kill urself you whore
You r one boring lady
Dam u are fucking weird.
Yea go kill yourself
Obviously they don’t want to go with you!you probably whine to much like u do on here.
Dramatic much?
Pretty responsible drinking while breastfeeding! Then when ur kid turns out to be a retard you will be bitching how it’s the government s fault for not providing services
Aww aren’t you so special !!
Wow ur a one special kind of stupid!
Who wants to follow a perpetual bore always complaining about her health? Go see a fucking doctor already something is wrong w u!