
Jesus u are one obsessive fucking cunt! Get a fucking life already!!

Let me guess! Just one those cunts who always has has to have the last word? Why don’t you go back to SNS on Jezebel.

Yeah! Quadruple that number for San antonio

Ohh the salt obviously, one packet is more than 3/4 daily recommended, add that to everything you eat that you don’t even realize has salt in it and boom!

Guess again!

Lots!! Of course most were obese, diabetic, ate more than one package, and already hypertensive unbeknownst to them!

If you only knew how many young adults we had to treat for severe hypertension in the ER after eating ramen you wouldn’t touch that shit again!

Troll! How original!! Next time maybe you should mind your own fucking bizzness!

How’s that journalism degree working out for you? Not so great I see.reduced to commenting on a shit blog!Good luck getting a job someday sweetie!

No need to be a condescending asshole but I’m sure u can’t help it. Maybe you should take a look at the players that are in before running your mouth.Who the fuck appointed you gatekeeper??

That’s not how it’s spelled you dumb cunt! Mind your fucking bizzness bitch

Oh shut the fuck up, who cares about grammar on a lezbo blog?

What the fuck is whinging? What a dumbfuck you look like now!🖕🖕🖕

You must be a lot of fun to be around!

Congrats for being like the twentieth person to say this dipshit

Looks like your the ass because about 10 people told her way before you! Learn how to fucking read asshole

This was fucking stupid! Just stop

Wendel!! Long time no comments!

Thanks! Good article, hard to believe Emma was here 5 years ago.didn’t seem that long ago.

Does any coach look sleazier than Frank Martin? Beside Bruce pearl?