
Those aren't your cars. It's not your business. Don't be an asshat, "Lord Aleem."

Sorry to hear that.

This stuff WORKS. Way better than Desitin. 2 kids, that's how I know.

The irony that their big cousin (the one in red) hates you is not lost.

Wow another AMA! I loved his AMA on reddit a while back!

And guess what? He wants manuals, too. "There are just some things you need to have," and a proper stick shift is one. There isn't one on the Q50 at the moment, but it sounds like adding a manual option to future cars is a priority.

There's a giant P under the tach, likely for being in "Park". Why else would there be paddles?

I'd be ashamed to drive any Chrysler product..

That gave me chills. Did.Not.Like.

I fail to understand how someone else's desire to feel a modicum of comfort and control over a situation, where there is little, is such a bad thing. You say that the only thing that it does is make the prayer feel better, but why is that not enough of a reason?

991 GT3 - PDK only. I'm not totally resisting the inevitable future, but at least keep the choice on the GT3.

Wagons...need MOAR WAGONS

"Hey Jason, great game, I'm Gordon from Sesame Str..."

It's the warning light for the DEF (diesel exhaust fluid, yes, that's a real thing) system. Usually the light will come on when the urea tank is low. Most passenger cars the tank is sized to be refilled at the oil change interval. In the heavy truck industry, you usually have an option of what size tank you can get so

This dude's reaction to the meteorite.


My probation officer likes to keep me out of all bars, and who is this Bod Daylum you speak of?

Yes, it's a feast for all the senses, except the ones in your right hand and left foot...

A base 2.0L T ATS with manual is $34,615. How would that compare to this package performance wise? There's a significant difference in power, at least.